Best of Me

Song: Best of Me
Artist: Daniel Powter
Album: Under The Radar

I was made the wrong way
Won't you do me the right way
Where you gonna be tonight
Cause I won't stay too long

Maybe all the life for me
When you talk to me it strikes me
Won't somebody help me
Cause I don't feel too strong

Was it something that I said?
Was it something that I did?
Or the combination of both that did me in?

You know I'm hoping you'll sing along
Though it's not your favorite song
Don't want to be there
when there's nothing left to say

You know that some of us spin again
And when you do you need a friend
Don't want to be there
When there's nothing left for me

And I hate the thought of finally being erased
Baby that's the best of me
Everything's behind you
But the hopeless stands beside you
Forever, never a moment
Have I wasted all your time

And I hate the thought of finally being erased
Baby that's the best of me yeah
Baby that's is the best of me


Rebecca Lin 2009 Spring In USA

林贝卡 发表评论于
Best Of Me简介

Best Of Me是Daniel Powter2008年的专辑《Under The Radar》中的一首歌。略带沙哑却如此感人的声音,清新的风格。


喜欢Daniel Powter阐述生活的方式,总觉着真实,即使你唱着的歌不是自己喜欢的也请你唱下去,也许那样的孤单会少一点。(摘自网络)
林贝卡 发表评论于
Daniel Powter简介

加拿大吟唱诗人Daniel Powter,是外表与内在兼备的全能歌手。钢琴的功力非常深厚,唱腔也有点英伦的感觉。他的歌某种程度上和Remy Shand有些神似,除了稍带灵魂乐风之外,又适当加入了其他音乐元素,使每首歌都呈现出了极其个性化的“inner ego”。值得一提的是,Daniel Powter驾驭自如的真假音切换,使每首歌跌宕起伏而不沦于单调。

“与众不同”是每个听过Daniel Powter专辑的人会有的第一个反应。“与众不同”并非意味着奇怪、诡异、古怪,而比较像是巧妙琢磨、前卫的流行乐。歌曲很吸引人,节奏具感染力、坚不可摧的和旋像钩子入你的脑袋里并且不放手。Daniel Powter就是这样,你会觉得他像一位长久“在路上”的诗人,或者是与你在地铁站内擦肩而过的行者,你大可不必怜惜他在因何而忧伤不定,他是快乐的,并在怀着一种坚定而感恩的心,活着。(摘自网络)