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难得老爸老妈和儿子一起去grocery shopping。为了省钱给儿子上私立,老妈决定今天去了Sam's Club买大包装的用品。老爸正在一排冰柜边挑儿子的早餐,就听到旁边噼里啪啦,东西从架子上掉下来的声音。扭头一看,是一位上了年记的老太太在开冰柜拿东西时,东西从里面掉下来了。老太太年纪大了,弯腰明显不方面,老爸还没来得及抬脚,儿子连忙跑过去帮忙。一件一件放回冰柜,就最后一件摔开了包,儿子把里面的小件捡起来,放回box,却盖不上,老爸只好出手了。老太太站起来,拿出钱包,取出五块钱,递给儿子:“Thank you, sweetheart! Keep this please. ”儿子犹豫了。老爸连忙给老太太说:“There is no need. Good for him to learn to healp others.”老太婆硬塞给了儿子。见钱眼开的儿子有点喜出望外了。

老妈逛了一圈,回来看到儿子手里的钱,问:“Where did you get this?”

“An old lady gave me after I helped her.”

老爸说:“You did well today. See, it is good to help others. Sometime you even get surprise when you help others.”

“I know. Last year when we went fishing, you helped a disabled person to carry his cooler from the bridge to the water edge. He wanted to give you 20 dollars,and you did not take it.”儿子还记得去年的事呢。


