- Come, Creator Spirit,
- visit the minds of your people,
- fill with grace from on high
- the hearts which Thou didst create.
- Thou that art called Comforter,
- gift from God most high,
- living fount, fire, love
- and unction of the spirit.
- Endow our weak flesh
- with perpetual strength,
- kindle our senses with light,
- pour Thy love into our hearts.
- Drive the enemy far from us
- grant us lasting peace,
- so that, beneath Thy guidance,
- we may avoid all ill.
- Thou, sevenfold in gifts,
- finger of the Father's right hand.
- Give us to know Father
- and Son through Thee,
- and in Thee, Spirit emanating of both,
- grant that we may always believe.
- Come, Creator Spirit,
- visit the minds of your people,
- fill with grace from on high
- the hearts which Thou didst create.
- Give us joy,
- grant us Thy peace,
- smooth our quarrels,
- preserve us in bonds of peace.
- Glory be to the Father,
- to His Son, who rose from the dead,
- and to our Advocate and Comforter
- for ever and ever.
- Forest, that sways here,
- Rocks that weigh down on it,
- Roots that cling,
- Trunks dense on trunks.
- Wave sprays over wave,
- The deepest cave shields us.
- Lions that creep silently
- Tame about us,
- Honour the sacred place,
- The holy shrine of Love.
- (floating above and below)
- Eternal burning brand,
- Glowing bond of Love,
- Seething pain of the breast,
- Foaming joy of God.
- Arrows, pierce me,
- Lances, subdue me,
- Maces, beat me down,
- Lightning thunder through me!
- That now the worthless
- Be cursed for ever
- Shine forth the enduring star,
- Eternal Love’s centre.
- (deep region)
- As the rocky chasm at my feet
- On the deep abyss weighs at rest,
- As a thousand gleaming streams flow
- To the terrible plunge of the flood’s foam,
- As with its own great strength
- The trunk is born up into the air -
- So is almighty Love
- That forms all, preserves all.
- There is about me a wild rushing,
- As if forest and rocky ground shook,
- And yet there rose, in lovely sound,
- The waters to the abyss,
- Called as it were to water the valley;
- The lightning that flaming struck
- To clear the atmosphere,
- Took the poison and vapour in its bosom -
- They are Love’s messengers, they tell
- What ever-creating surrounds us.
- My inner being it too must charm
- Where the spirit, confused, cold,
- Tormented in the limits of dull senses,
- Feels the sharp pain of chains.
- O God! Quieten my thoughts,
- Bring light to my needy heart!
- (hovering in the higher atmosphere, bearing what is immortal of Faust)
- Saved is the noble limb
- Of the spirits’ world from the wicked:
- “Who ever-striving takes pains,
- Him can we redeem.”
- And if Love from above
- Was shared by him,
- The blessed host meet him
- With heartfelt welcome.
- (circling in the highest heaven)
- Join your hands
- Joyful in a ring,
- Up and sing
- Holy feelings!
- Taught by God
- You may trust;
- The one whom you revere,
- You shall see.:
- Those roses from the hands
- Of loving holy penitents
- Helped us to win victory,
- To complete the holy work,
- To take this soul’s treasure as prize.
- The evil drew back, as we strewed,
- The Devil flew, when we smote.
- Instead of the wonted pangs of Hell
- The spirits felt the torment of Love;
- The old Satan himself
- Was afflicted with sharp pain.
- Rejoice! We have succeeded.
- There remains for us earthly remains
- To bear with difficulty;
- And were he of matter indestructible
- He is not pure.
- When the strong force of the Spirit
- The elements
- Has snatched up to itself,
- No angel could part
- The united double nature
- Of both soul and body,
- Eternal Love only
- May divide them.
- I feel now
- In the mist and rocky heights
- A Spirit life
- Dwelling near.
- Of blessed boys
- I see a throng.
- Free from earth’s pressure.
- Gathered in a circle
- They rejoice
- In the new spring and beauty
- Of the upper world.
- Let him begin here
- To win the fulness of life
- As their companion!
- Joyfully we take
- This man into the state of chrysalis;
- So we receive
- The angels’ pledge.
- Set loose the flakes of earth
- That are about him!
- Then he is fair and great
- From holy life.
- (in the highest, purest cell)
- Here the view is free,
- The Spirit lifted up.
- There pass women
- Ascending above.
- The glorious one among them
- In crown of stars,
- The Queen of Heaven
- I see in splendour.
- Highest Lady of the world!
- Let me in the blue
- Extended tract of Heaven
- See your mystery.
- Approve what in man’s breast
- Grave and tender moves
- And with holy joy of Love
- Brings him to meet you.
- Unconquered our courage
- When you, sublime, command;
- Suddenly wanes anger
- Virgin, pure in fairest mind,
- Mother, worthy of reverence,
- Our chosen Queen,
- Equal to God.
- To you, the immaculate,
- It is not denied
- That the easily seduced
- May come to you in consolation.
- In weakness gathered in
- They are hard to save;
- Who tears apart through his own strength
- The chains of lust?
- How quickly does the foot slide
- On the sloping, smooth ground?
- You float up to the heights
- Of the eternal kingdom;
- Hear our pleading,
- Full of grace!
- Without peer!
- By the love that at the feet
- Of your Son, enlightened by God,
- Let tears flow as balsam
- In spite of the scorn of the Pharisees;
- By the box that so richly
- Dropped down fragrance;
- By the locks that so gently
- Dried the sacred limbs -
- By the well to which once
- Abraham led the herds;
- By the pitcher which coolly
- Touched the Saviour’s lips;
- By the pure, rich source
- That now there gushes,
- Overflowing, ever clear
- Flows throughout the world -
- By the sacred place
- Where the Lord was laid;
- By the arm that from the entrance
- Warning pushed me back;
- By the forty-year penitence
- That I truly spent in the desert;
- By the holy words of parting
- That in the sand I wrote -
- You who do not avert your gaze
- From women who have sinned
- Raise into eternity
- The victory gained by repentance,
- Grant also this poor soul,
- Who only once forgot,
- Who did not know that she erred,
- Your forgiveness!
- (once called Gretchen. Approaching)
- Turn, turn,
- You matchless one,
- Rich in glory,
- Your face in grace on my happiness!
- The one I early loved,
- No more troubled,
- Comes back.
- (circling nearer)
- He grows the greater
- With his mighty limbs,
- Will true redemption
- Richly return.
- We were early distanced
- From the chorus of life;
- Yet this man has learned,
- He will teach us.
- By the noble choir of spirits surrounded,
- The newly born scarcely knows,
- He scarcely divines fresh life,
- So he becomes like the holy host.
- See! How he from every bond of earth
- Tears aside the old veil
- And from the clothing of the ether
- Comes forth his first youthful strength!
- Grant me to teach him,
- Still blinded by the new day.
- Come, rise up to higher spheres!
- If he is aware of you, he will follow.
- Look up to the redeeming sight,
- All you who repent,
- That tries to bring you
- To a blessed fate.
- That every better sense
- May serve you;
- Virgin, Mother, Queen,
- Goddess, be gracious to us!
- All that is transitory
- Is but an image;
- The inadequacy of earth
- Here finds fulfilment;
- The ineffable
- Here is accomplished;
- The eternal feminine
- leads us upwards.