就不说情节了,爱看得都看了,不爱看得也懒得听我罗索细节。总之是挺伤感的,总有这么多不如意的,但是偶尔也有阳光。一句台词说,the joy in medicine happens so rarely that we almost forget it can happen. 让我特别有触动。今天早上我的病人出院,他说,You are a fine doctor, I will pray for you at night. 就是这一句话的感动和鼓励,支持我走过困难。
i couldnot stop crying at the end of this season finale. the two people i like best are dying, i hope they can make them back just like what they did for Meredith.
Tom Hanks说the beauty of law is it can sometimes, but not always be part of justice.