When you date a Chinese woman, one of the first questions from the Chinese woman is: What do you do? How much MONEY do you make? -- Treading business? Very uncomfortable already!
When you date an American woman, she asks you what do you do in your spare time, what your hobbies are...
Chinese women tend to be more demanding, more difficult and more status conscious...
If you plan to have a pre-nuptial agreement, American women are more likely to sign. Chinese women would react with ...
When an American woman loves you, she learns your culture, learns to cook Chinese food, remind you about Chinese holidays --- I keep forgeting those hoildays myself.
When there is a disagreement, you can have reasonable discussion with the American woman. Chinese women tend to Cao Jia ...
How many times have you seen American women Cao Jia in America? How many times have you seen Chinese women Cao Jia in China?
I am only sharing my experience.
We are here already. It would be to our advantage to blend in. If you can find an American woman to be your girl friend /wife, go for it. If you have to bring a girl from China here, how do you know you can trust her? Some of them even expect you to bring their family here as well as herself...
Excuse me for being frank.
回复MidwestPro的评论:你真是不可理喻,越说还越上杆子,可知道中国有句俗话叫做给脸不要脸。你的什么文明啊高雅啊,也好不到哪里去,把你自己的话送给你,“what a stupid idiot you really are.” 你自己在这里蹦跶吧,bye!!!
MidwestPro 发表评论于
You are exactly the kind as I described a moment ago: it seems that the idiocy and ignorance of you and a bunch here like you know no boundary!
You think the KKK didn't try to play this stubipid words game like you and the "author" in a vail attenmpt to cover their tracks?! Will you ever learn? Is it really true that "you cannot teach a old dog new tricks"?!
If you lot cannot be educated by reasoning and civilized advice, then let me show you how it is done to shut up filth racist mouth in a law-govern society!
最后一点,看似你很高尚、很文明,但是在你的文字里一样有许多种族歧视的语言,如果像你一样摘录的话,这些都是你亲口说的:“I will kick your bony yellow ass! ”,“yellow monkey with sly eyes”,“what a stupid idiot you really are.”
MidwestPro 发表评论于
Dear Sir,
I was to let it go. But it seems that the idiocy and ignorance of you and a bunch here like you know no boundary.
Therefore, before I take this matter further (and as an honest Chinese man – unlike the lot of you - I will tell you exactly what I am going to do), for the last time I am going to explain to you lot why you are wrong and the reason why I consider it absolutely necessary, to take the trouble and time, to teach you a lesson on how to behave like a civilized human being in our modern world:
Discrimination in any form – racial, sexual, direct, and reversed – is wrong. As is evidence from history and from the fact that many civilized societies now consider it as such. The Chinese should know this particularly well, for throughout the modern history we have been the victims of this injustice and, unfortunately, continue to be in some parts of the world. Fortunately the USA (and by the way this is where you lot now live and benefit from in many ways) has been an icon in setting an example to the rest of the world. As a result, Europe and a few others in the world have followed and the situation (in the eyes of the law and the majority in the society) has much improved – these I saw with my own eyes.
The realization that discrimination in any form is an ugly thing is now in the heart and the mind of the majority in the USA. To the extent that its anti-discrimination law has driven even most of the KKK’s underground. And above all, the Chinese community in the USA is one of the groups that who benefit most from the situation. This is why I told you lot before: this is really something every one of us, and ideally every civilized human being in our modern world, should value and nurture in our heart and mind.
The most laughable, but definitely unfunny thing is that even the KKK nowadays dare not to use the kind of words and expressions publicly that you publicly display here (by the way, no need to try to change them this time – I have the complete copy of the original text).
Therefore, Sir:
“您老人家的言语更让我开了眼了。…” – yes and you’d better listen and learn!
“回复里括弧加了一个字是纠正原文的遗漏,再说了,即便修改纠错,也是我的权利” – no, it is not. Not in the eyes of the law in this land.
“…你也不要动不动就联系中国人和中国文化,我甚至怀疑你的中文文字理解的能力,你没有资格..” Sir, I suggest you go back and read a little bit of Xu ZhiMo’s writing on the exact subject that you are so keen to show off your imaginary knowledge – at least this guy had the guts to face the reality almost a century ago. Please please try not to show yourself as an even bigger idiot than you look already!
我再说一句,“有的洋妞,甚至有的假洋鬼子,连牲 都不如”,怎么了?!”- The last straw: so this is the only thing left in you: showing your true color and relying on insult? Ha, ha, Sir, you are totally done! (and I REALLY enjoyed peeling away your disguises layer by layer to finally show inside what a stupid idiot you really are. If you want to know yourself a little better, go and read something on the analysis of human psychology on the dark side).
The fact that you have bluntly refused to accept your wrong doing, despite the black-and-white evidence (in this case literally), really makes one wonder: are you really that stupid and ignorance as not to realize the above, or are you and your lot here really miserable hard-core racists with a perverted psychology? The logical conclusion can only be either or both!
Sir, your ugly racil slurs WILL be cleaned from here, and you can trust me on that!!!
I would like to withdraw my previous assessment about your relative intelligence, because now you are starting to show your ignorance. Stupidity and self-pity in many cases are unfortunate. But stupidity, self-pity plus ignorance are inexcusable.
In case you do not get it, please allow me to spell out the following for you:
“而一些洋妞由于进化的原因,还不是很到位,尤其是一些洋妞的体味和体毛未进化干净,… 有的洋妞就(像)是一个毛茸茸的动物”…Your original words (please be a man enough not try to change them) as I quoted previously are pure racial slur. No more and no less. Do you have the guts to translate them, together with the many other slurs in the text, accurately into English (assuming you are capable of) and put them up so that all your friends, colleagues, neighbors and your own children can see? Or are you only “man” enough to hide behind this Chinese internet curtain? Come on, “man”, show everyone what you are made of!
“美国是一个文明自由的国家,..”. Yes, this country certainly is. However, freedom in speech and behaviors are expected, and enforced by law, within a legal and moral framework. For your own sake you’d better check whether those expressions are considered legal in this country before you, if you are “man” enough, show your trash to your neighbors and colleagues (assuming you have a day job).
“您“As a Chinese American with an EU citizenship”…, I pointed this out as a polite reminder to you that my statements about the USA, and the others, are all based on my own personnel experience, in contract to your statements, which are based on some deeply-rooted Freudian fantasy.
“我很敬佩您的绅士风度和文明水准…”You really have no clue. The fact is, Sir, I can tell you with a very high level of confidence that what I am is totally beyond your comprehension, and what I achieve as a real Chinese man is beyond your wildest dream. However, the important issue here is we need to treat EVERYONE with dignity and consideration. You do not wish to be called a “yellow monkey with sly eyes”, do you?!
Sir, you really provide a good example of the worst type that our Chinese culture and tradition can produce.
My final words to you: face the reality. It is so obvious that there is no chance for a guy like you to ever get luck with “Yong Nou”. So stop fantasizing, get a life, and try to find a better way to quench your Freudian thirst.
Best of luck.
PS - To other readers:
PC gives me problems typing in Chinese. Therefore have to write in English. Do apologize!
My best wishes to you all, except the few here that have made a fool of themselves by being stupid.
Actually, people are more alike than they are different in general. If I have to compare, I would say Chinese women are more tricky than white women. The author's nice descriptions about Chinese women are idealized. We do not see many those good qualities in many Chinese women today. The author's negative descriptions about white women are exaggerated although I say here that white women shave their legs almost daily. There are many sweet, kind and family focused white woman out there. Personally I prefer white girl more than Chinese girl...
MidwestPro 发表评论于
Reply to the "Author"'s last posting.
Dear Sir,
Your Freudian slip here really is making me laugh now. However, I decided to response to your article precisely because it is laughable, but not funny.
It is not funny because, beside for being insulting to the many inter-racial couples, it is full of narrow minded nationalistic sentiment and sexual and racial slurs. As an example, just like what the Nazis said about the Jews were not funny, what the SA separatists did to the blacks are not funny, and what the KKKs have been saying about people like yourself are not funny, what you have said about “Yang Nou” – I quote: “而一些洋妞由于进化的原因,还不是很到位,尤其是一些洋妞的体味和体毛未进化干净,… 有的洋妞就是一个毛茸茸的动物”- are definitely not funny.
You claim that you’ve lived here in the USA for quite a while now. It is a real shame during these years you (and the few others here like you) seem to have learned nothing about this wonderful place. As a Chinese American with an EU citizenship, let me tell you this in case you have not realized it yourself: this is the only place on earth where a person like yourself can live your life with dignity without being discriminated against (not by the law and not by the majority in the society). Every one of us should regard this not only as a given right, but also a privilege that needs to be valued and nurtured for. So please do not contaminate its atmosphere with your trash.
You seem to be a relatively intelligent guy and do not need to be lectured on the above. Therefore, Sir, let me simply tell you something that I learned about American justice: I will respect everyone as an equal human being regardless of who they are and what they do (you included). But if someone like you insults my family and the ones I love, I will kick your bony yellow ass! Satisfied now?
Finally, you yourself know well what you are really and secretly lusting for. So keep dreaming.
PS: response to the ones like: “letmesaysomething”:
Do you not understand that relying on abuse is always a sign of the abuser’s lack of brain cells? So what’s your point, stupid?
the writer just like a clown, cheap and low. feel sad about those ppl.
and I agree with BWO.
Mrs.Santa 发表评论于
MidwestPro 发表评论于
After quite a few years without returning home, I went back to China twice last year. I was very impressed with the progress made in the country and was proud of the tremendous achievements: the skyscrapers, the highway structure, the newest, the fastest, the tallest, etc. etc…
However, on my return I told my colleagues and friends here, and my wife (yes, she happens to be a “Yang Nou”) - quite a few times that it was the changes that I saw in people, images such as youth queuing by a bus on the side of street to give blood – that impressed me most.
Unfortunately a few of you guys here, the writer of the article included, have proven to the world that something will never change in the Chinese.
Pretty good viewpoint. Chinese women are still the best in the world.
I do know some Chinese man married white women and almost no exception that those white women are more like traditional Chinese than some Chinese. For example, my colleague married a white girl who is from U of Minnesota, PHD Chemistry, violinist, sweet and pretty. My colleague is MS degree, not tall, not particularly handsome. He described when he tried to date his wife it's like international war and the reason she chose him is because he behaves like Chinese, gentle, not flashy, not macho. Then she started to learn Chinese, ordered Chinese magazine without my colleague's insistence. And then she changed her last name to his. (Hehe, not many white women Chemist has a Chinese last name, I think someone might know her here)
I think if you met a white girl like that (or any color), most of the Chinese men will go for her and that's the reason why Chinese men do not want most of the white women.
Just wanted to let you know that I found your article here very narrow-minded, and part of it simply offensive.
I think I may understand the reason for you to have the need to express yourself in such a way, but I also hope that you yourself understand how revealing this really is regarding the writer"s own self-pity and psychological imbalance.
Please, grow up, face yourself and the facts, and at least try to be a civilized citizen on this planet.