The Police and Me (A True Story)

The Police and Me (A True Story)

I was woken up by heavy poundings on my front door at around 3:00 am a few days ago. The door bell was also ringed a couple of times.

It was loud.

I got off my bed in the second floor bedroom, went to the window, raised the curtain partially, and shout out through the screen of the partially opened window.

“Hello!!! Who is this?”

“Police!”. Replied a male voice.

“Who is this?!”


The street lights were bright. But I could see nobody out there.

“Could you please back off a bit, so I can see you?” I said. If they were not the police, I would dial 911 immediately. And if the phone line was cut, I would break the window panes to get the attention of the neighbors.

Five heavily armed police officers in uniform appeared in front of the front door down there. One of them was a female. I could also overhear the low and nosiy voice from their communication devices.

“What number are you looking for?” I asked.

“… !!!”.

That is my street address.

“Well, something is definitely happening.” I thought to myself.

“Alright! I will go downstairs right now, and open the door for you!”

Right after I opened the door, the officers started to shine flashlights onto my hands. I assumed that they were making sure that I did not carry a firearm.

“Do you know Mr. … ?” Asked an officer.

“Could you please come in and talk?” I would not answer their questions outside the house, in case the neighbors heard my answers.

“OK, I will come in.” One of the male police said.

“Do you know Mr. … ?” The question was repeated.

“No idea.” I said.

“You are OK. Thank!”

They left.

This is this part of the United States of America …
