新豇豆出来了, 怎么做都好吃。 豇豆一把去筋, 洗净晾干, 切小节, 只用油盐清炒。

无皮无骨鸡大腿肉切丁, 用酱油,盐, 一小勺菱粉抓匀。小青椒切圆圈, 干豆豉用热水浸泡两分钟捞出挤干水备用。 锅里两大勺油烧热, 下鸡丁慢慢炒熟爆干。 盛小半碗鸡丁出来给老二(不辣)。 下青椒豆豉翻匀,炒到青椒变蔫了起锅装盘。

老大去田径team dinner, 回来告诉我Jaya家的 花生酱面条很好吃。 第二天给Jaya妈发email请教做法(见下)。 我用的是全麦面条, 顺手放了把黄豆芽。 老大说味道不错。

"I finally have my cookbook with me! It's actually a recipe I've made often and generally modify each time a bit, but I thought I'd give you some of the specifics from the book (Jane Brody's Good Food Cookbook.)
"szechuan" noodles with peanut sauce
2/3 cup hot water
2/3 cup smooth all natural peanut butter
4 tsp soy sauce
4 tsp rice vinegar
4 scallions finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, finely minsed
1/2 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes
I also add about 1 tsp toasted sesame oil and sometimes chopped yellow pepper. first blend hot water and peanut butter, then add all other ingredients - except some of the scallions and the yellow pepper, which you'll sprinkle on last. I think this is the right amount for about 16 oz of spaghetti.