- -“自然天成”,“半胸像”,及“毛公石” 的翻译
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- Internet online reading some times offer very good cases when you can do interesting researching, and build up your vocabularies.
- Most advanced websites offers online dictionaries, but those "translation" function is far away from satisfaction.
- Some Chinese words are difficult to put into English directly only according to the meaning given from a dictionary.
- For advanced learners there are always discussions on choosing proper words to be used.
Words in discussions: - bust,-
- peddle,-
- 自然天成-
- 毛公石-
- underline or highlight those words fall within your personal interests.
- check them with those online dictionary to get most closest meaning.
- check the most authorized dictionaries such as Oxford.
- check the Free Internet Source of information.
- rewrite after you reading and checking all the information from what you have collected.
Example News ( Short ) original from Chinese:

( 本文来源:CFP )

在青岛城阳惜福镇的一座山上,镇政府开辟了一条登山小径。随着小径的开通,很多游人来此登高。不久前,一些游客在山的西南方向看到一块巨石酷似伟人毛泽东的半身像,随即这座山的名气迅速提升。2009年5月26日上午,毛主席的孙子毛新宇也来到了这里,站在山顶瞻仰这块自然天成的“毛公石”,并感慨:“这是惊天动地、大自然的怀念。” 当地山里的村民已经开始进行商业开发,将酷似伟人毛泽东繁荣巨石拍成相框兜售。
Google Translation:
- Not long ago, some tourists in the mountains of the southwest like a great man to see a huge stone bust of Mao Zedong, the mountain was to elevate its reputation.
- May 26, 2009 morning, the grandson of Chairman Mao毛新宇also here, from the top of this natural heaven to pay tribute to the "毛公石" and emotion: "This is earth-shattering nature of memory.
Window live Micsoft Translate:
treasure in Qingdao Chengyang Mountain town of a town, the Government has opened a dengshan the endothelialization.as the path opened many visitors to this denggao.
not long ago, some tourists in the mountains of Southwest see Boulder favoritepoet maozedong shelooks like a great man, this mountain of famous elevate. 2009 5 26.1.2000, Chairman Mao's grandson, maoba dingyu also come to new here, visit sdanding and becameas maoba tiancheng of “ natural gongshi ” and “ feeling: this is the extraordinary nature of huainian.
local villagers ” in the mountains have already begun conducting business development, the great Mao Zedong's prosperity will shelooks like boulders into a frame of selling.
查字典翻译软件:其他大同小异,好像是 Google 技术的嫁接,也差强人意!
- Not long ago, some tourists in the mountains of the southwest like a great man to see a huge stone bust of Mao Zedong, the mountain was to elevate its reputation.
- May 26, 2009 morning, the grandson of Chairman Mao毛新宇also here, from the top of this natural heaven to pay tribute to the "毛公石" and emotion: "This is earth-shattering nature of memory."
沪江小D 翻译功能:http://dict.hjenglish.com/trans.aspx 给出 to pay tribute to
Qingdao Xifu in a mountain town, there is a huge stone like a great man of the half-length portrait of Mao Zedong, the morning of May 26, the grandson of Chairman Mao毛新宇also here, from the top of this natural heaven to pay tribute to the "毛公stone. "
在青岛城阳惜福镇的一座山上,镇政府开辟了一条登山小径。随着小径的开通,很多游人来此登高。不久前,一些游客在山的西南方向看到一块巨石酷似伟人毛泽东的半身像,随即这座山的名气迅速提升。2009年5月26日上午,毛主席的孙子毛新宇也来到了这里,站在山顶瞻仰这块自然天成的“毛公石”,并感慨:“这是惊天动地、大自然的怀念。” 当地山里的村民已经开始进行商业开发,将酷似伟人毛泽东繁荣巨石拍成相框兜售。
People gathered busy in climbing through a tiny path leads to the top. More visitors are coming after a route recently opened by the local officials at Yang-xifu county in Qingdao, a beautiful coast city East China. Reporter said on May 26, 2009.
Now, this nameless mountain has gained its reputation quickly for the visitors seen a "Rockie-Mao", a giant rock leaned on the hill, southwest. The massive rock spotted is in great sameness of Mao, a greatly admired figure by a number of Chinese citizen.
This morning, 26th of May 2009, Mao's grandson, Xin-yu Mao arrived to pay a tribute to the "rockie-Mao" . He was surprised too by what he saw standing on the top of a mountain. In deep admiration, He said to the local reporter in the interviewing, "It's stunning, unbelievable, a super-natural memoir of Mao"
But the smart villagers used this a great business opportunity by road-side selling the photos, - "Rockie-Mao in Stone" framed in one of his famous poems in hand-writings.
Average sentences per paragraph: | 2.25 | 2.19 |
Average words per sentence: | 17.11 | 3.98 |
Average characters per word: | 4.73 | 5.33 |
Flesch Reading Ease: [?] | 61.63 | 70.63 |
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: [?] | 9.00 | 4.00 |
Automated Readability Index: [?] | 11.00 | 6.00 |
-Free Internet Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Xinyu
Mao Xinyu (Chinese: 毛新宇) (born in 1970) is one of Mao Zedong's grandsons. His mother and Chairman Mao's daughter-in-law was Shao Hua (邵华). His father was Mao Anqing (1923-2007), child of Mao's marriage with Yang Kaihui (杨开慧, 1901-1930). Mao Xinyu and his wife, Liu Bin, have one son, Mao Dongdong born in 2003.
Mao Xinyu graduated from the History Department of Renmin University of China in 1992. Currently, he works as a researcher at the People's Liberation Army Academy of Military Sciences, where he also completed his doctorate. Among the several books he has written is a book titled Grandfather Mao Zedong (Yeye Mao Zedong), published by the National Defence University Press in October 2003 [1].
Words Study & Internet Researching:
酷似:every bit as 、sameness
- she has a beautiful bust
- 她的胸部很美。
- Sculpture a bust in stone
- 用石头雕刻胸像
- He made a cast of a bust.
- 他铸了一座胸像。
- On his desk there stood a bust of his favorite poet.
- 他的写字台上放着他最喜爱的诗人的半身像。
- bust portrait
- 半身画像或雕塑像
a statue of the upper part of a person's body
a bust of George Washington
(from Cambridge Dictionary of American English)
bust (BREASTS) [Show phonetics] noun [C] a woman's breasts, or the measurement around a woman's body at the level of her breasts
瞻仰 Worship? to pay a tribute to? admire?
- admire [Show phonetics]verb [T] to respect and approve of (someone or something) I admire that music more than any other.
- admirable [Show phonetics]adjective The police did an admirable job of calming down the crowd.
- admirably [Show phonetics]adverb I think she coped admirably with a very difficult situation.
- admiration [Show phonetics]noun [U] My admiration for her grows daily.
- admirer [Show phonetics]noun [C] Many admirers waited in the rain just to see their hero.
- 1. worthy to be revered;worthy of acclaim.值得受人尊敬的;值得称赞的
- 2. Students revere the old professor.学生尊敬这位老教授。
- 3. The people revered the saint.人们崇敬这位圣人。
- 4. An old goat is never the more revere for his beard. 人老珠黄不值钱。
" 自然天成" is typical Chinese 4-characters-structured phrase. combined with two words: which means naturally or naturally build, shaped by totally power of nature. 自然天成:Normally describes imagery discovered in great sameness with some famous-person or other creatures without any human creations, it totally formed by power of nature. But it is not same as those idioms: like "鬼斧神工“
“毛公石”。-抱歉,此词条尚未收录 http://www.chadanci.com/s/
Stoned Mao, Rock-statue of Mao's portrait, Mao's Rock, but in spoken E, I would say it "Rockie-Mao"
兜售: -hawk / peddle -to sell things, especially by taking them to different places: solicit ?
peddle Show phoneticsverb [T] MAINLY DISAPPROVING1 to sell things, especially by taking them to different places:
These products are generally peddled (from) door to door.
He travels around, peddling his wares.
2 If you peddle stories or information, you spread them by telling different people:
The organization has peddled the myth that they are supporting the local population.
peddler Show phoneticsnoun [C]
1 (MAINLY UK pedlar) especially in the past, a person who travelled to different places to sell small goods, usually by going from house to house
2 (MAINLY UK pedlar) DISAPPROVING someone who gives ideas to other people:
a peddler of New Age philosophies
3 OLD-FASHIONED (drug) peddler someone who sells illegal drugs to people
青島Xifu山町では、半分の偉大な人物のような巨大な石毛沢東は、この自然の天の上から5月26日、毛沢東の孫毛新宇もここの"毛公に敬意を表すには、朝の肖像画の長さです石。 " -日文
Qingdao Xifu dans une ville de montagne, il ya une pierre énorme, comme un grand homme de la demi-longueur portrait de Mao Zedong, le matin de Mai 26, le petit-fils de Mao毛新宇aussi ici, du haut de ce paradis naturel de rendre hommage à la "毛公pierre ».-法文