Book Fair

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This week is Alex’s school “Book Fair”. Alex has several books in mind want to buy. On Thursday morning, I gave him $20 after dropped him at school. After picking him up from Cody’s house, I asked him if he bought any books. He said he bought two books, one Pokemon, and one Bakugan, and he said it was cheap. At night, I looked his backpack and found the receipt. It shows $15 for two books and $4 for a pencil pointer. I asked Alex why he bought the pointer, the answer is he likes it. I said:” Mommy gave money to buy books, not toy. If you like it, you should pay me back from your piggy bank.” Alex was not happy. He went to pull the money from piggy bank and handed me $4. I said:” Are you upset? Do you understand what I meant?”  Alex replied:” I am upset of myself, I have to pay you $4 and it’s very expensive for me.” I hope he learned a lesson.

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Wow, $4 is expensive for Alex's own money, but not his mom's money. Alex is so innocent.