我可以说,你可能很年轻,自己还没结婚也没孩子,有些事情你无法感受。武梅是个例,she isn't an ordinary people, sorry to say that.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
Of course, 武梅 may have some other reasons such as having a new man friend etc. That is also possible. Who knows? I wish she does not have that kind of problem.
I just explained from my understanding. Sorry for waste of your time.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
First you may say what ever you like. I am trying to explain more.
Please put this in your mind:
Individual is different, and people may change now and then.
You said "但爱心不会因为孩子离家的失落感而突然消失吧!". I believe it can be. Because people may change because of some reason, it is completely possible to lost all living motivatio for a small reason.
Just 2 weeks ago, 1 guy in my office just suicided because his wife wanted to divorce. And I guess you will say, divorcing is not worth of suiciding. So people is really different, something not matter to me might be very critical to somebody else.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
Yes, YOU cannot understand, no problem, nobody requires you understanding it. However, I have seen this kind of situation. Some very nice people changed becuase of certain reason, what we are doing now is to find the reason that makes 武梅 changed. Maybe my guess is wrong, you rae right. It does not matter. I just say what I want to say.
People may change after period, 武梅 was and is still not so career-oriented, but realized now that she does not have any social position, only depending on the family. And here I am also guessing, not know exactly. I do not like just putting strangely-behaving people to be bad people, people like us are not perfect, some better, some worse, we can learn how to improve ourself and help others improve.
I think 绿一 understands my point very well. And Your point is different, no wondering, as you are not me.
And I truely hope that 武梅 will get rid of her deep lost, and start new life.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
I am not professional psychologist, but an IT engineer. I am just interested on the people's relationship, and try to understand why. Hopefully this will help your friends's family.
In the end, I would say that only deep love and understanding,solve the problem, nothing else.
However, if problem still exists, I may not help any more as I am not professional psychologist, professional one is different from my knowledge.
I understood an educated woman's lost because it is so common and easy situation.
And on ther hand, it would be good that some body 武梅 trusts can tell her that she should not be so rude to the family members though she is in deep lost. Actually it is really not the family members' fault, nobody forced her to be home in last 20 years, of course as I said, must somebody she can trust, not somebody she hates now.
Of course after some period (i do not how long) if she still is very rude and becomes worse, does not want to change her alttitude. Then I cannot help. Anyway, some people got crazy, can not get rid of him/herself fault, nobody can help.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
As I said, 关爱 is enough. But she may need self-achievement, social position, not only good wife and mother.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
You are right. And it may be more useful and better if 武梅's family, husband and 公婆 help her to earn the social position though her 20 years is almost waste from the career point of view, not only just her as a role of a mother. I believe that her family's member admired she has been being very good mother, but she wants now probably social position, and her dream of whatever.
回复雪花漂飘的评论:YES,YOU ARE RIGHT。武梅需要帮助。这是我在想不通的情况下写的文章。现在看了很多有益的跟贴,想通了几个重要的方面。非常感谢朋友们!当我看到你的跟贴里,那句她和她的老公都需要去。。。心理辅导这样的话,我就明白你在从专业的基点上说事情。谢谢你的人性支持!
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
And I suppose that 武梅 even herself not realized her deep lost. She just feels unhappy and behave strangely from before, then all her surroundings are suprising, wondering why she has been changing. Then you wrote this story to us.
And of course, she may enter into deadlock and does not want to adpate the changes even we understand her lost. Then we need giving her time until she build new life target, and final result is just God knows.
So that is why there are so many life shows in our world. People behave differently while facing the same problem. The surrounding beloved ones can help, but see how long beloved ones can insist, and herself can recover.
You are right, this is your own idea. And 武梅 believed so before, so she was happy. And maybe something tricked her and made her believe changed, and she becomes so weired.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
Thank you for your open mind. You are very nice and sensible, and you understood my point.My major point is: 武梅 needs help, not blaming though she is behaving strangely recently.
You should talk to fathers about your theory, I wish you can convince more and more men become stay-home daddies.When that trend begins, Green-One may not criticize Wu-Mei to demand half family assets for the divorce. Because she always fight for man's privileges.
the Keyword is道德规范,
when you批评一个女人做事不合适, whose moral stand do you use?
I think you two use男尊女卑,三从四德 as moral stand to criticize Wu-Mei.
According today's commercial era moral stand to judge Wu-Mei,
I think Wu-Mei is not bad person at all, although I don't agree with her
demand for her in-law's assets.
From Green-One description, Did her husband offer to stay home with kids
to free her to work outside without any worries? NO, NO, NO!!!!
she had no-choice but to stay home for the sake of their kids' HAPPINESS.
Baby-sitter from outside is not choice, outsider Babysitting is desperation.
Here comes again, Why don't you dare to compare Wu-Mei with the man her
She was a lucky woman ,but she is not as lucky as her husband, because she
was restrained by the duty of their kids' happiness.Meanwhile Her husband
was free with this duty.
yes, Everything is possible. but small probability event is called miracle.
Woman without duty of kid's happiness does as good as man, which is not
miracle. for example Oprah, Martha Steward,
Meg Whiteman. Behind every successful career woman with kids, there is good househusband.thtat's why Amercian family court reward half of family income to the stay-home spouse.
Why do you insist to compare Wu-Mei with other women to feel lucky? Are
you dare to let Wu-Mei compare her husband the man?
Compare her husband the man, Wu-Mei is unfortunate person .and her misfortune
was 50% caused by her husband the man. Of course she should get compensation
from her husband.
By the way, Don't you think there're too much her in-laws in her life?
No wonder she want to get divorced, because this is the only way to avoid
her in-laws.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
I understand you guys blamed her. It is really truely bad behaviour. Please 绿一 try say some similiar words of my comments to her and see what is her reaction if you want try.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
全家人的关爱!=self-achievement,self-confidence, indepence and social position as most of us have.
I admire that her behaviour is not normal, overreacted. She needs professional help, not just blaming.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
Yes, I said that her words to 公婆 are not proper, overreacted. But her feeling of lost and regretting of being only home especially own decision make her reaction strangely. So this needs psycologist's help, like Dr. Phil, not just critisize her by us. This does not solve her problem.
And also she was very nice woman as she felt well. And now she felt lost as she does not have life target.
I believe that 武梅 is still nice woman, and she will come back to normal life after some period if her husband understands her lost and helps her to rebuild life target, but not just giving money.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
We have to understand here: we are living not just only for money, also self-achievement,self-confidence and indepence social position. And now 武梅 only has money. she feels lost as she does not have self-achievement,self-confidence and indepence social position. Of course, as we said it was her own decision, but not so wise. We should understand her, not blame her anymore.
Of course, her reaction because of own unwise decision and lost is too strong. she should eat this bitter fruit, and restarts her career.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
On the other hand, I admired that she should not say too much bad words to 公婆.
If you say to 武梅 that we understand her lost, decision is made, and 20 years is big lost really without career. But we cannot change anymore. Maybe 武梅 will feel better.
At least I will feel better and ok.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
Sorry, 绿一, I did not see this "而且现在虽然闹成这样了,每个月的钱,还是1分不少的放进她的户头里。不是怕她,而是讲理性。越是在这样的时候,就越不能亏待她。" before I added my comments.
And still we should understand her lost of feeling even she has a lot of money. She lost the target of living after children to university.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
family members should NOT just only say: it is your own decision. Family member should understand her lost.
雪花漂飘 发表评论于
绿一,I have read all comments, and Mrs. Santa's comments are different, but consider from 武梅 side. We should not only blame 武梅 though she made not-so-wise dicision herself earlier.
1. Do 公婆 still give money to her now after children to unversity? I suppose no, so 武梅 feels lost. 公婆 giving her money before let 武梅 having a wrong impression that she can be @home in whole life with this payment. 武梅 was just not so wise to realize this earlier that children will be independen in about 20 years, still she needs being indepent in the rest of your life, so now the situation becomes so clear,she is so regereting to realize this. If we say she should be responsible for this not so wise decision is rational, but not so fair to 武梅.
I think if the family say to 武梅 appreciate her work in last 20 years, and it is really a pity for her career, then she will feel much better, and not fight for the property.
2. And this 20 years is really so important in the whole life of a person. whether or not 公婆's money = 武梅's 20 years' career is not possible to answer now. We have to admire that 武梅's 20 years cannot be back, money can be paied back easily, of course it is her own decision, but sometime decision is not so wise while you were young, family members should just only say: it is your own decision. Family member should understand her lost.
I believe that 武梅 will feel better and restart her career if family is not just blame her and admire her 20 years of young is really invaluable.
Why I am saying this here is my own life expereience: I am not so unwise as 武梅, and I am still having my career, I did not select being home. However, I have sacrificed my time and energy to support my husband, but he is not appreciate that much, and just say, it was my own decision. I feel very lost, and now I would not support him that much anymore. Of course, family will be in trouble in this situation. And some husband even requires divorcing after wife supported in hard time.
So 武梅's alttitude is not so right, but her lost is understandable. She and her husband really should go to see phycologist, but not just blaming her, not so fair.
Talking about MBA making big bucks I did know a woman (Chinese) who had an MBA degree and had not worked a single day. My impression was that she was not even smart. There was no logic in whatever she was trying to say. I really wondered who would hire her as a manager of any sort. I don't believe that MBA automatically means big bucks and professional success.
1800900 发表评论于
Sorry. I probably 想太多了, as nanatao said :-)
Probably the 公婆 interfered in their son's marriage a little too much, so that the woman ended up not feeling that it's her own life she had lived but the man's (or his family's).
nanatao 发表评论于
“Why did 武梅的公婆每个月给她5位数的补贴 to take care of her own children? It's her marriage, her family, her children. Why did her 公婆 need to pay her for that?“
1800900 发表评论于
Why did 武梅的公婆每个月给她5位数的补贴 to take care of her own children? It's her marriage, her family, her children. Why did her 公婆 need to pay her for that?
It sounds for me like that the man's family (the 公婆 and the man) bought the woman to produce children for the family.
Also it sounds like that the woman was married more to the 公婆 than to her husband.
As matter of facts, I should make comments to her old bunch of stories. Every story of hers was to stand in the ancient Chinese man's shoes to criticize woman. I just can't stand she constantly spread her female-inferiority opinion all over to poison the public forum.
1800900 发表评论于
Honestly I think you kind of overreact a little too much.
The question is how many % of total family assets the 40 million bucks equates. After 10 years marriage, the housewife or househusband entitled half of family assets no matter what.
First it sounds unbelievable, but there are so many rediculous people in the world. Several weeks ago, I heard the news from CNN that one divorced woman claimed the 40 million she got from her several-year marriage was too little to keep her normal life going. She signed the pre-nup before the marriage.