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» : : 爱情多么美好Love Is A Many-Splendored : :
: : 爱情多么美好Love Is A Many-Splendored : :
2009-05-22 10:18:15
by TyHongAu
赖世雄精讲英文歌曲: 爱情多么美好Love Is A Many-Splendored
赖世雄精讲英文歌曲: 爱情多么美好 Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing 音乐联接http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1227625331.wma 本曲大意 这是一首歌颂爱情的歌曲,作词者以作诗的方法运用许多意象 (image) 如初春四月的玫瑰、金冠、晨雾等来美化歌词。然而,爱情是抽象的事物,作词者以这些实物来作比喻,读者们就必须运用一些想象力才比较容易了解。 英文歌词 Love is a many-splendored thing; its the April rose that only grows in the early spring. Love is natures way of giving a reason to be living, the golden crown that makes a man a king. Once on a high and windy hill, in the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still.Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing. Yes, true loves a many-splendored thing. Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing. Yes, true loves a many-splendored thing. 歌词翻译 爱是件奇妙的事;就像生长在早春的四月玫瑰。爱是大自然所给予我们继续活下去的理由,是使一个男人成为国王的金冠。 从前有一对情侣曾在晨雾中,站在一座高峻、风大的山丘上互相亲吻,世界在那一剎那中停止了转动。然后妳的手指碰触了我寂静的心,激起我的感情,使我的内心欢唱起来。是啊!挚爱真是件奇妙的事。 然后妳的手指碰触了我寂静的心,激起我的感情,使我的内心欢唱起来。是啊!挚爱真是件奇妙的事。 字词句型分析 1.Love is a many-splendored thing.爱是一件奇妙的事。 →Love has many wonderful aspects to it.爱有许多奇妙的风貌。 a.splendor n. 华丽, 光辉 *此处splendor加ed成形容词, 实际英语很少用该字, 因splendor 通常只做名词, 形容词多用splendid (美好的)。 b.many-splendored a. 许多奇妙的; 华丽的 例:The kings palace is truly many-splendored, as it is full of priceless wonders. (该国王的皇宫真是华丽,因为它里面尽是无价的宝物。) c.aspect n. 方面 (该字通常与in并用) 例:John is always diligent; in this aspect he is outstanding. (约翰一直都很勤奋工作,在这方面他很杰出。) 2....its the April rose that only grows in the early spring. →...love is just like the April rose that only grows in the early spring. ……爱就像只生长在早春的四月玫瑰。 →...love is very rare and precious. ……爱是非常稀有而且珍贵。 precious a. 珍贵的 例:Youth is precious; dont waste it! (青春很宝贵;切莫虚掷光阴!) 3.Love is natures way of giving a reason to be living,... →Love is what God gives us and it gives meaning to ones life,... 爱是上帝所给我们的东西,爱给了我们活着的意义…… 4....(and love is) the golden crown that makes a man a king. →...and when a man is in love with a woman, he is as happy as happy can be. ……当男人坠入爱河时,他真是快乐的不得了。 →...and when a man is in love with a woman, he is happy like a king. ……当男人坠入爱河时,他就像国王般快乐。 a.nature n. 大自然 (不可数, 前面不可加定冠词the) 例:Nature decides whether we are big or small, healthy or sickly. (大自然决定了我们形体的大小,健康或是多病。) b.crown n. 王冠 5.Once on a high and windy hill, in the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still. 从前有一对情侣曾经在某晨雾中,站在一座既高、风又大的山丘上互相亲吻,世界剎时停止了转动。 →As lovers, we once stood on top of a high and windy hill and kissed each other; the moment we kissed, the world seemed to stand still. 我们这对爱侣曾站在一座高峻、风大的山丘顶上互相亲吻,在我们两唇轻触的那一剎那,世界似乎停止了转动。 a.hill n. 丘陵, 山丘 b.mist n. 雾 c.misty a. 雾的 d.still a. 静止的 (作主词补语, = motionless); ad. 仍然 1)当副词时表『仍然』: 例:Even though he is sloppy, I still like him. (虽然他很窝囊,我仍然喜欢他。) 2)当形容词时表『静止的』: 例:While at attention, you must stand perfectly still. (立正的时候,你必须纹风不动地站着。) 6.Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing. 然后妳的手指碰触了我寂静的心,并教它歌唱。 →Then you touched me and aroused my feelings. 然后妳碰触了我,激起我的感情。 arouse vt. 激起 arouse ones interest/anger... 激起某人的兴趣/愤怒……
赖世雄精讲英文歌曲: 爱情多么美好 Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing