
生活趣谈,音乐欣赏, 世界风情, 科学文化, 诙谐幽默
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The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.

Step1. Check to see if you have a fear of success.

Step2. Develop your own definition of success.

Step3. Pat yourself on the back when you achieve something, no matter how small the accomplishment.

Step4. Refuse to blame yourself or feel guilty about any success opportunities you may have missed.

Step5. Find a success partner, someone you trust to give you open and honest feedback.

Step6. Accept all compliments, recognition and honors that come your way.

Step7. Reach out to others and help them to be successful. No envious or jealous.

The things you need:

               1. positive

               2. goals

              3. determination

              4. hard work

Dora2 发表评论于
If we assume that A is 1, B is 2 and C is 3 .... Z is 26,

Attitude is 100
Hard work is 97
Love Of God is 101

Therefore, you need love of God. If you miss Love of God, you are not able to get it.