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有只小兔子在草地上玩,然后她找到一个胡萝卜,然后她回家过一座桥,胡萝卜掉到水里了。然后小兔子要下去拿。有一只大鲨鱼过来说,“我饿了,我要吃你。” 然后小兔子赶快找到胡萝卜,兔子爸爸来了,然后拿了一支火枪把大鲨鱼打死了。兔子爸爸咬着小兔子的耳朵把她弄上来,然后兔子爸爸拉着小兔子回家了。兔子妈妈已经做好饭了,然后他们就一起吃饭了。


A baby rabbit plays in the grass. She finds a carrot. Then she takes it to home. Then she goes to a bridge. Then the carrot falls down to the river. The baby rabbit wants to get the carrot. A shark comes and tells the baby rabbit, “ I am hungry and I want to eat you.” Then the baby rabbit finds the carrot. Then the rabbit daddy comes. And he has a fire gun. Then he fires the gun. The shark is dead. Then the rabbit daddy reaches the baby rabbit and takes her to home. The rabbit mommy has done cooking. Then the baby rabbit, rabbit daddy, rabbit mommy, they all sit and eat dinner.
The end.

(胖妈目瞪口呆,趁女儿睡觉,赶紧记下女儿的第一个小故事。女儿说了,她还要讲一个baby star的故事给弟弟,不过得等明天了。)
