据记载,美国母亲节的设立是与一位女士 Anna Jarvis的努力分不开的。该女士住在美国东部的费城,照顾病卧在床的母亲多年,并因此终生未婚。在她的母亲于1905年5月9日故去后,她昼思夜想,思念之极,痛感很多孩子在母亲在世时未能及时照顾关爱母亲,决定倾其后半生的精力倡议设立母亲节,以荣耀无论是健在抑或故去的母亲们(honor mothers, living and dead)。她的倡议渐渐地得到了越来越多的人们的响应,终于在1914年5月9日,也就是她的母亲去世九周年的忌日,当时的美国总统威尔逊宣布母亲节为美国的全国节日,时间在每年五月的第二个星期日。
"...recent practice, derived from the U.S. tradition. "
...derived from the U.S. tradition."
Many countries around the world now celebrate a "Mother's Day", generally this is a recent practice, derived from the U.S. tradition.
Wiserman 发表评论于
I] 母亲节在西方(REF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother%27s_Day)
I-A) Earliest History of Mothers Day
The earliest history of Mothers Day dates back to the ancient annual spring festival the Greeks dedicated to maternal goddesses. The Greeks used the occasion to honor Rhea, wife of Cronus and the mother of many deities of Greek mythology.
Ancient Romans, too, celebrated a spring festival, called Hilaria dedicated to Cybele, a mother goddess. It may be noted that ceremonies in honour of Cybele began some 250 years before Christ was born. The celebration made on the Ides of March by making offerings in the temple of Cybele lasted for three days and included parades, games and masquerades. The celebrations were notorious enough that followers of Cybele were banished from Rome.
Early Christians celebrated a Mother's Day of sorts during the festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. In England the holiday was expanded to include all mothers. It was then called Mothering Sunday.
History of Mother's Day: Mothering Sunday
The more recent history of Mothers Day dates back to 1600s in England. Here a Mothering Sunday was celebrated annually on the fourth Sunday of Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter) to honor mothers. After a prayer service in church to honor Virgin Mary, children brought gifts and flowers to pay tribute to their own mothers. ................
I-C) 美国是1914年开始庆祝的....