Sold 2/3 of my remaining positions of ago at 12.98

on 5/14/09. Ago's more than quadrupled for the past 1.5 months. It reached a historic low at 2.69 on 3/4/2009 and recent high of 14.54 on 5/12/2009. I think it is too fast an advance, I have been looking for opportunities to decrease my positions in anticipate of a correction. Ago closed at 12.59 on 5/13/2009, a 10% pull back from its recent high of 14.54. I think it is a good mental stop indicator. So I set an order to sell at 12.99 the next day 5/14, and order filled. While I have some regrets when it hit a new high on 14.85 on 5/19/2009, I remind myself not to be greedy. Today's drop amid bad news from Moody's confirmed my suspicions or I maybe just plain lucky. I never think of myself good at trading. I did not do well on this round of drama on ago, since I have to sell some ago at the bottom to make up for margin call. I am about even on ago after all these drama. I am not satisfied, but there are plenty of opps down the road, especially when you are dealing with a good company who keeps on throwing out good earning reports while in recession.

chipmonks 发表评论于
I closed all my positions today. It may be the long-waited wave of global correction. Anyway, if it turns out I'm paranoid, I'll buy back.