贵州荔波的小七孔 (1)

不少人对贵州荔波的小七孔这个名字还很陌生吧?总体上来讲,是个精美绝妙的自然景观。有人说“小七孔很有九寨沟的味道”。今年恰好去了两处美景。感觉的确如此。 第一站是卧龙潭。水呈碧蓝色且不见底。

Xiaoqikong (Seven Small Arches) lies in Libo county in southern Guizhou Province, covering an area of some 10 square kilometers.

One may say that the scenery at XiaoQiKong is similar to the much more famed JiuZhaiGou. I would agree. This place is decorated with countless waterfalls and deep blue water.



  荔波小七孔的鸳鸯湖。据导游说,这湖一半在贵州境内,一半在广西. 在风平浪静的时候,湖面上的倒影煞是好看.


TheYuanYang Lake at XiaoQiKong is a great place to watch reflection in thewater. Water is pure and cool. Perfect for sticking my toes in andmaking some waves.


The tunpu (village fortress) in Anshun, Guizhou, was built in the Ming Dynasty (600 years ago) for military use. During the early period of Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhuyuanzhang sent Han national troops from the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River to Anshun.Despite the changing of dynasties and the passage of hundreds of years, residents of Tianlong Tunpu still live in forts and keep a simple and peculiar army style, retaining their traditional Ming lifestyles, clothing and hair styles.




好酒嘛,还是我外公说了算。Grandpa took a sip of the wine, and then started nodding his head. Guess the local wine is not bad. We actually brought some to take home.



我家老妈就是好奇。人家做什么,她都要去问个么二三。也有可能是当了几十年老师当出的毛病。Sigh....My mom is always curious towards whatever others are doing . I am wondering where do I get my insatiable curiosity to the world?!



Bangalore has two types of weathers - one is hot, the other one is too hot. So, a business trip to Bangalore, to be honest, is not a treat at all. The jet-lag, the around-the-clock work, the hot weather, can be rather tiring. But, one of the things I do enjoy doing over there is the champaign brunch at LeeLa Palace. Behind the entrance of the 7-star hotel, it is a totally different world.

I guess I can be easy-going sometimes. However, if given the time and opportunity, I can certainly be high-maintainance and sophisticated. Today is the perfect time to take my time to enjoy the great food and champaign.

Balanced flavor from different ingredients is the key to a perfect bite. A little saltiness from the meat, a little sweetness from the dry fruit, plus the earthy and creamy flavor from the cheese and the texture from the bread. It's simply just perfect.

By the way, I did all the plating myself. See, when one has too much time on hand, one can at least play with food, and enjoy perfect bites.


更多好看好玩的食物, 游记和照片,请看 The Coconut Head

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