God save the Queen...
Long to reign over us...
Scatter her enemies
And make they fall
Confound their politics
Frustrate their knavish tricks
Wiserman 发表评论于
Thanks. I have bookmarked your "凤凰博报" on my computer.
Have a successful trip!
克里斯托夫 发表评论于
Hi you may take a look at my China blog equivalent to Wenxuecity here. When traveling, that one should be working from time to time.
Hi Wiserman, Jack is my buddy for long. Glad you hold high regard for him.
By the way, I will leave for Japan and China on the weekend for almost two months. So, blogging to be made to Wenxuecity would be very slow since China doesn't seem allow its access to the public. Hopefully, it is changing now.