印度人J: 人很聪明,活也干的不错,属于有小聪明无大智慧的那种,一直努力搏出位。他自 己时常主动和公司高层管理单独约见,提供自己对公司对部门的看法,以及对自己 现状的不满。其实公司领导和中国历史上皇帝昏君没什么两样,都是只爱听好话, 不爱听负面意见,而在领导面前表现自己也是双刃剑,表现的不好时等于朝自己脚 上开枪(shoot in the foot) ,中国有句话叫“藏拙“不是没有道理的。
他有时来找我分享他和公司大头1 ON 1 的内容,他对公司的很多看法其实也都不错, 但恰好不是上层所愿意面对与承认的。他对老板也不忠心,常常背后传播关于老板 的坏话,时间一长,名声就出去了,在我们公司的政治斗争中他苦斗了两轮但最终 被踢出局
I believe what司令 describes the characteristics of the east indians is just scratching the surface. I dont believe their english is the main reason that they have been more "successful" in this new land called america. I had the idea to write a book to document the brotherhood of the indians and chinese in the silicon valley, in 2002. But I have not written a single word yet, but amazingly an d shockingly, i have not had any changes in my understanding of the main points of the book, even after so many years continuing working day and night with the our indian brothers (i.e., literally brothers and sisters, of course).
Cannot agree with you anymore. It absolutely matches the experiences of many of my friends and my. How can we 宽宏大量 when they throw big stones on our heads? The best approach so far is just as what you suggested. Avoid them. Life is so short. Work is big part of our life. It would be much more enjoyable at work if our co-workers are simply professionals.
I agree with the author because of the Indians that I have dealt with. They are very snaky and dishonest. There might be some good ones. But they certainly are not majority.
gd1 发表评论于
Agree. It matches my experience.
mycereal 发表评论于
wxcqq 发表评论于
Once worked for an Indian company in the bay area / owner is an Indian… it’s a very diverse company: Indians/ most of them, white, Chinese….I agreed with you on most points about the Indians… Do you know Indians think they are white/ race wise? Anyway, talking about office politics, white people are even better at….. They do it with ease and subtlety, but more destructively….
the company i am in now, you should be here taking a look at those white people... what they do is just to hop in and out boss's office, closing the door... gossipping, back stabbing.... you name it.... very ugly....
Pure bulls**t!! My Ph.D. advisor is an Indian and I had many Indian friends when I was a graduate student. My advisor is the one who has the sweetest personality among all people I've ever encountered. He helped me in every possible way that a advisor could help a student. All my Indian friends are easy to dealt with even though we had great deal competitions for a lot of things (grades, financial assistant to name a few). On the contrary, there were several Chinese who played nasty politics and tried to take advantages of other people's fault to gain favor of powerful people in the dept
I agree mostly. But we should look at people individually. People from different background, we can always find someone who we love to be with. Indians also have some something good that we can learn from. First, they like to help each other just because they look like each other. Second, their teamwork, social life, and community involvement is more active.
points taken, my aritcle was a bit unfair and extreme
supernova13 发表评论于
Please be fair
(1) Some Indians are very smart and hard working. Just like Chinese, they play a pivotal role in Silicon Valley's success.
(2) Many Indians engineers and Chinese engineers cooperate well. They do appreciate each other's good work.
(3) When it is a boss-employee relationship, then it all depends on the personality/characteristics of the people involved. No need to generalize too much.
(4) Of cause, Indians have their own circles, but isn't that true for other ethnic groups?