
It's starting to get cold here...

I never mentioned that it takes about 50 minutes to walk to class everyday. Sali de mi casa a las 9:30 para encontrarme con Sarah a las 9:35. Luego, nosotras caminamos juntas hasta que nos encontramos con John, Kelsey, Diamond, Hannah, Natalie, y Andria.

It's getting cold outside, and I didn't bring a thicker jacket, so I might have to get one here if temperatures drop even more. I've already had to buy a scarf and gloves here - definitely didn't think through what "winter" means in Argentina. I was probably, definitely still in summer mode when I left!

In Hernan's class, we were given the names of the book our group had to buy for our final presentation/essay/project. After class, my group went to the bookstore Ateneo to buy "El juguete rabioso". I asked one of the salesclerks how much it cost, and he said 12 pesos. When hearing that, Kelsey turned to me and said "That's how much I got robbed for yesterday". Apparently, outside the church she attended, some little boy ran up to her and snatched 12 pesos from her pocket, and ran away. I think I remember her telling me that her host mom smacked him with her purse, but wasn't able to get the money back. We were definitely warned about pickpocketers, "ladrones" (thieves), all kinds of tricky people on the streets of Buenos Aires. Hernan told us that just recently, some old woman pretended to trip and catch herself by grabbing onto him. She then started saying "lo siento, lo siento" (sorry, sorry), and patting him down...I guess trying to find his wallet or something. It was funny the way he was telling it because it was an old lady. A little boy, an old woman...they come in the strangest packages you never would have guessed.

Here are some photos outside the "centro naval" and "Galeria Pacifico" on la calle Florida. It's interesting, this picture is of a shoe-shiner and his client. Raelle had mentioned one day that she's seen a lot of shoe-shiners on the streets, more so than in the states, most likely from the prevalence of leather.

I haven't finished reading Jose's readings for tomorrow, but since I'm bringing lunch and not going to a restaurant tomorrow, I'll be able to do it during the two hour break we have.
