请继续看 开车西部游之Arches National Park (二)
今年五月有机会开车去加州。提前做了计划,准备在UT和AZ好好转转,再在LA彻底 休息一下,最后在San Jose CA和女儿汇合。
时间短,路途长,我们决定从MN到UT连续开车,穿过IA, NE和CO。晚上6点出发 ,轮换连夜开车,和预定时间差不多,不到20小时,第二天中午到达Moab UT。正 式开始了我们的旅行。
早就景仰Arches National Park UT 和Antelope Canoyn AZ 的特别 风景,亲眼看到,确实名不虚传。一路照了许多照片,选几张和大家分享。最大的遗 憾是忘了带三角架。错失了好多良机,真有终生遗憾的感觉。咔咔。
这里是在CO和UT的一些照片,以后会陆续加上AZ,LA的照片。特别希望大家砸砖, 指导。
在CO过了丹佛沿I-70向西不远就进了山区。放眼望去,可以看到远处的雪山。如果 带点云就更好了。



Rest area的厕所。







Hotel hall way 里摆的马具,想是为了体现乡土气息吧。

Arches National Park 在 著名的Monument Valley 中 心。
Arches National Park is of course famous for the red arches of Entrada sandstone that occur there in great profusion, and the visitor center sells a map showing the location of over 1,000, ranging in size from Landscape Arch with an 89 meter span to small cavities 3 feet across, which is the minimum dimension for an opening to be officially classified as an arch. But there are also many other striking rock formations scattered over the park's 73,000 scenic acres, and to see the whole area would take several days. As with most other low lying regions in south Utah, temperatures in Arches National Park may reach 110°F which restricts hiking activities, although summer brings frequent cooling afternoon thunderstorms. The winter weather is not too extreme, and any snowfall is usually quite light.(摘录自 http://www.americansouthwest.net/utah/arches/national_pa rk.html)
我们在visitor center 询问了开车4小时的最佳路线。很多arches需要步行 走一个小时以上,由于天气太热,我们决定把最后的重点放在Balanced Rock Sunset风景。就开始看其他的景点了。
The Organ

The Lanscape. 个人比较喜欢这张的层次感

The Park Avenue