Story of Speak English Like an American (12)

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Lesson 12 Bob's Big Cookie Order

The family is gathered around the dinner table.
Bob tells them about his deal with Village Market.
He's asking his kids for help backing the cookies.

Bob: I know I've been down in the dumps since I got fired, but things are looking up now. The Village Market wants to sell our cookies.

Nicole: That's great news, Dad!

Bob: But we are going to have to back like crazy over the weekend. They want 2000 cookies by Monday.

Nicole: 2000 cookies in three days? Don't you think you've bitten off more than you can chew?

Ted: Yah, You're going to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off!

Susan: Fortunately, there are four of us here. You kids will have to pinch in too.

Nicole: Sorry, but I cannot. I have to finish Ted's chemistry homework. Then I've get it going on my election speech.

Bob: What's that about doing Ted's chemistry homework?

Ted: Never mind! Amber will help out with the cookies instead of Nicole.

Susan: For heaven's sake, Nicole. It's like pulling teeth getting you to do any work around here.


(to) bite off more than one can chew - to take on more than one is capable of; to take on too much

(to be) down in the dumps - see Lesson 5

for heaven's sake! - A way of expressing emotions such as surprise, outrage, or impatience

(to) get going - to get started on something; to set off for a destination; to leave

(to) get going - to get started on something; to set off for a desination; to leave

(to) help out - to give assistance; to help

like a chicken with its head cut off - in a hysterical manner; in a frenzy; in a very nervous way

like crazy - with great speed or enthusiasm

like crazy - with great speed or enthusiasm

like pulling teeth -very difficult

never mind - don't worry about something; forget it; it doesn't matter

(to) pitch in - to help

(to) run around - to move about quickly

things are looking up - things are improving
