一听名字叫Jean-Yves 的,那这人多半是法国人,电台,报纸,杂志常提到他的名字, 常常听到有人说《Jean-Yves Thibaudet是我最喜欢的钢琴家之一》。第一次听他弹的曲子还是《傲慢与偏见》里的主题曲《 Dawn 黎明》, 当时觉得很特别,非常好听。
Jean-Yves Thibaudet是著名的法国钢琴家,按咱中国人的说法,他属于60后, 19 61年出生在法国里昂一个不是职业音乐家却酷爱音乐的家庭,父亲喜欢拉小提琴,有德国血统的母亲能弹一手好钢琴, 也是他学琴的启蒙老师,最开始他跟父亲学拉小提琴,当他7岁正式在法国的conservatoire学琴(相当于音乐学校,公立的,在每个城市大一点的社区都有,孩子可以下课后去学音乐,舞蹈等学琴, 有职业老师教课,也就交个年费而已),15岁获法国conservatoire一等奖,18岁获美国纽约的年轻艺术家音乐会奖, 当然还获得很多其他了许多其他国际钢琴奖项,它被认为是当今国际顶级钢琴家之一,也被誉为当今最令人兴奋的天才钢琴家之一,他与众多著名乐团,演奏家一起合作过,由英国的Deeca灌制的CD就有40余CD。 在法国他也获得很多荣誉,2001年被法国总统授予文学艺术骑士
Jean-Yves Thibaudet 还为多部电影弹琴配音,如电影《伴我一世情The Portrait of a Lady》(19960), 《 Bride of the Wind》(2001), 《傲慢与偏见Pride & Prejudice》(2005), 和《赎罪Atonement》,其中《Atonement》获奥斯卡最佳配乐奖。
上个星期去听音乐会,在Music Hall里的CD商店里看到他的名字,其中他最新出的《Opera without words》很吸引人,我自个儿在想:热烈的花腔会被Jean-Yves Thibaudet用钢琴诠释成什么样呢?法国人在艺术上总是有他们独特不受拘束的风格,会给人惊喜,那应该是一个优美的反差, 一个热烈,一个柔静中的奔放,在amazon试听了他这CD, 果真是这样,Jean-Yves Thibaudet的演奏非常优美浪漫,纯净流畅,他的感情和他的音乐想象力就这么自然地让每个音符装载着,飘洒在空气里,一点也没有让人感觉他是在刻意用力表达什么,可又表达得那么自如,很自由飘逸,给人想像的余地。
Jean-Yves Thibaudet 在下面的录像中谈到肖邦钢琴协奏曲第二乐章的感觉,他说那感觉就像要离开地球,去一个梦幻的地方(Dream land),当乐章最后一个音符来到时,他感觉特别难受,又回到地球。了。
他在接受澳大利亚记者采访时说了一段话, 让我印象很深,那段话的大意是: "作为一个艺术家,你不可能让所有的人高兴,喜欢,不可能,任何艺术都是这样,从一开始(艺术家)就要明白这一点,你就按自己的信念去做就好了" , Jean-Yves Thibaudet 一个地道的法式艺术家,思想自由,不喜欢受束缚,我行我素,有时为了坚持自己的观点还会固执, 不愧为德彪西,萨蒂的后辈, Bravo, Jean-Yves Thibaudet !
Thibaudet plays Chopin - Nocturne Op.9 N.2, Minute Waltz and Prelude
Thibaudet on Chopin with Rubinstein Video
Thibaudet 演奏的Shostakovich的第二钢琴协奏曲第二乐章
Jean-Yves Thibaudet (born 7 September 1961 in Lyon) is a French pianist.
Jean-Yves Thibaudet was born in Lyon, France to non-professional musical parents. His father played the violin and his mother,of German origin and a somewhat accomplished pianist herself, introduced the instrument to Jean-Yves.
Thibaudet thus began seriously studying the piano with several prominent teachers and made his first public appearance at the age of seven. When he was twelve, Thibaudet entered the Paris Conservatory where he studied with Aldo Ciccolini and Lucette Descaves. Three years later he won the premier Prix du Conservatoire, and at the age of 18 he won the Young Concert Artists Auditions in New York.
He has performed with most of the world's leading symphonic orchestras including: the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Orchestre National de France, among others. He also frequents the great concert halls of Europe and North America and is quite fond of travelling to
Among his collaborators in performances and recordings are soprano, Renée Fleming; mezzo-sopranos, Cecilia Bartoli and Angelika Kirchschlager; violist, Yuri Bashmet; violinists, Joshua Bell and Julia Fischer; cellists, Truls Mørk, Daniel Müller-Schott and Gautier Capucon, and the Rossetti String Quartet.
Thibaudet has made over 40 recordings for the British label, Decca Records.
He has made forays into the world of jazz as well, including Reflections on Duke and Conversations with Bill Evans.
His playing can be heard on the movie soundtracks of The Portrait of a Lady, Bride of the Wind, Pride & Prejudice, and Atonement, the latter of which earned an Academy Award for Best Original Score.
Thibaudet's concert attire is designed by Vivienne Westwood.
In 2001, the
In the early months of 2007, Jean-Yves Thibaudet released a recording through Decca titled Aria - Opera Without Words in which he has selected several of his favorite arias and overtures. It has been over 10 years since the pianist has returned to opera transcriptions; his last was a recording of Liszt transcriptions made in 1993. Thibaudet's latest recording is a disc of Piano Concertos Nos.2 and 5 by Camille Saint-Saens (with Dutoit/Orchestra de la Suisse Romande), released by Decca in October 2007.
Jean-Yves Thibaudet has recorded compositions by the following composers: Addinsell, Chopin, Debussy, Vincent d'Indy, Gershwin, Grieg, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Messiaen, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Satie, Schumann and Richard Strauss.