The crusical part is that you have to have a good relationship with your direct boss who decides who gets fired, who gets promoted or demoted, how much bonus you get....everything....
jnr 发表评论于
The crusical part is that you have to have a good relationship with your direct boss who decides who gets fired, who gets promoted or demoted, how much bonus you get....everything....
rondo 发表评论于
可选项123 boss decides who get fired.
Smileymoon : All your listed are very common situations, sure, they do put your job in bad future.
可选项123 发表评论于
Smileymoon 发表评论于
how about, you think you're smart, but you don't see the big picture and often cause a headache from your boss' perspective; you are not a team player; you don't communicate well and your business partners complain a lot about your commuication skills.