#2 Musical Wizards~Strokses - Chpt 1

Chapter 1

    My name is Monica Kites. I am in grade 5 and I am a member of the Musical Wizards Band. 2 other girls and 2 other boys are also members of the band. 1 of the girls is my best friend, Ally Fang, who is also in grade 5. 1 of the boys is her grade 2 brother, Allan Fang. The other boy is Allan’s grade 2 friend, Jason Judy. His grade 5 sister, Janisa Judy, is our friend and is also in the Musical Wizards Band. We love working together as special agents.

     For some reason, Ally and I love doing the same thing, so we both play the flute. We are beginners since we just started playing it last year. If you ask me, intermediates are when you played your instrument for at least 5 years, and advanced are when you are still playing it in high school. Anyways, Janisa wanted to play the flute too, but since she tried and she thought it was too hard, she plays the clarinet. Allan plays the trombone.

     Last but not least (that’s what Allan says), Jason plays the trumpet. I think trumpets are too hard to play. There is this boy in our class who plays the trumpet and once I saw him playing it and his face was so red. But that’s another story…

     Today I was on my car with Ally and my parents. This morning we had won a music competition (our band that is). I was supposed to get a dog next week, but today my parents were so happy that they let me buy a dog right now. They let me bring Ally with me. But Ally isn’t getting one because she already has a silky terrier named Igloo.

     After 10 minutes, we arrived at the pet store. I was getting really excited. We went inside the pet store. “Go take a look at some of the dogs you like,” my mom said. Ally and I quickly walked over to the dogs. I looked in one of the cages and saw a small wolf dog. It was really cute, but it was $30.00 and I only had $20.78. So I looked in another cage and saw a silky terrier much like Ally’s, but it was black. I didn’t like it as much as Ally’s cute little white one.

     So we moved on. “Ally, did you see any golden retrievers here when you got Igloo?” I asked Ally. “Actually, I did. But I saw someone buy the last one.” “Oh, that’s too bad,” I said. My favourite type of dog is a golden retriever.

     I saw poodles, Dalmatians, Chihuahuas/>/>, and more. But I didn’t gasp until I came to a small brownish-yellow and white Shih Tzu. I looked at the price tag. Darn it! It was $20.80. I needed 2 more cents!

     “I really want this Shih Tzu,” I said, “but I don’t have enough money. I need 2 more cents.” “Is that all?” Ally almost laughed. “I can lend you way more than that!” “You can?” “Sure! I brought 15 dollars!” “Wow! Thanks!” I went to get my parents and dragged them over to the Shih Tzu because I couldn’t wait any longer. They looked at it and finally my dad said, “Well, there isn’t anything bad about it, I guess it should be okay.” I looked at Ally. What did he mean? “You’re saying that we have to pay for ourselves, right?” asked Ally. I shot a look at her. “Yeah, is that what you mean?” I asked.

     Suddenly the bell that rang when someone opened the door rang. We looked to see who came in. We almost fell to the floor when we saw that it was Allan! Why was he here, and how did he get here? I didn’t need to ask him. “Jason’s mother was bringing them to ninja class, so she dropped me off here,” he explained. “Oh, come here,” we said. Allan came over here and closed his umbrella. “It started raining?” I asked Allan. “When we came here it was real sunny.” “I know, but then it just suddenly started pouring. Good thing I brought my umbrella.”

     Now how are we supposed to get back in my car, with my new dog (but we did not know that we were going to bring 2 dogs home, but you’ll find out about that later…), with the rain pouring over our heads, with our car parked so far away, and lots more.

     “It’s okay,” said Allan. “Now what do you mean, “it’s ok”?” Ally asked sarcasticly angrily. “There’s an umbrella store next door. And look how much money you have.” “Do you know anything about money?” Ally asked. “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I said. “Chill. Ally still needs to lend me 2 cents. Then we can see how much money she has left to buy us an umbrella. And besides, these coins are mostly pennies and nickels.” I looked back at the Shih Tzu. When I looked back at Allan he was looking in a cage with a little golden thing. I whispered to Ally, “The rain is getting smaller. Who cares if we get wet? Go home and take a shower!” Ally giggled. Then I looked at the dog in the cage Allan was looking in. What type of dog was that? I knew a lot about dogs, but this one…well, I just couldn’t figure it out.

     “So, uh…can we buy this Shih Tzu now? I can use my own money if you want.” My parents quickly called the person who worked at the pet store and they helped me get the Shih Tzu out of the cage. I held it in my arms. It felt like that it already liked me. “Wait, wait, wait!” called Allan.
