儿子的同学过生日,邀请他去,我到Amazon上去买礼物,两盒积木。想想很久没给儿子买玩具了,就顺便转了转,积木儿子是不要了。说个笑话,上次圣诞节的时候,他一打开礼物,就说,怎么Santa送的也是积木?!可见他玩积木有多腻了。教育类的玩具,现在除了各种的游戏软件之外,别的似乎很少了。想起了儿子爱观察虫子,爱做“试验”,就看了看科学类的,发现有一种成为教孩子电路知识的,review挺不错的。其实当我看见那玩具的时候,就想起来以前买的那Tamiya,早就想让孩子接触接触机器人,电子什么的。两者可以说有些相同,都是孩子动手搭出一个电池驱动东西。不同的是,Tamiya是一个能动的机器狗兔,复杂,而且搭成了就一种玩法。这一个简单,完全是电路,可却不是那么乏味,例如我给孩子买的那个Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100,可以搭出100种不同的电路,其中包括开关,电阻,能发声的,能亮的,能飞的。
再过了几天,回家时发现他们拿了一杯水在捣鼓,兴奋地告诉我,哈,水也可以把他们接通。 :)

Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100
Average Customer Review
4.9 out of 5 stars (136 customer reviews)
126 of 126 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars An excellent introduction to Electronics.,
Durability:4.0 out of 5 stars Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars Educational:5.0 out of 5 stars The best point in favour of this product is that it is lego style toy that does not intimidate a child with intricate electronic components. My 6-1/2 year old daughter started playing with it and was very excited to have completed her first project to light a bulb with a switch. Theories of electricity followed naturally when initially the bulb did not lightup. I showed her the shiny metal strip beneath the connectors and explained conductivity a little... |