Your predition about the voting result is also wrong, at least wrong for the English speaking public:
According to the vote on:
"Do you think monogamy is essential in a committed relationship?" there are 12189 responses(Till now),
And the results is:
Yes 71%
No 29%
And remember, the so called monogamy(一夫一妻) comes from Western culture. The only reason that you are complaining is because you are from the east. This was not a culture there. You might have a better voting result favoring your prediction if this survey was taken in China.
Flowerinthemirror 发表评论于
reference to the ariticle is not acurate: 古罗马的法律规定,婚姻实行严格的一夫一妻制.
Romans were notoriously monogamous due to an inherent exclusivity in monogamy. These are some of the practices and enforcement, even on their own monarchs and nobles. Nero, the Caesar who divorced, banished and murdered his first wife in order to marry the second. He blamed his atrocious act of burning Rome on the Christians. What resulted were countless martyrs. Even Napoleon the great conqueror who crowned himself could not overthrow this law, and had to divorce his beloved wife, Josephine in order to marry another so as to yield a son. Such facts and examples are clearly evident in European history.