Hayley Westenra - Prayer
让你拥抱我们 Let your arms enfold us
穿过黑色夜景 Through the dark of night
天使保护我们 Will your angels hold us
直到光明来临 Till we see the light
嘘,别不放心 Hush, lay down your troubled mind
我们度过光阴 The day has vanished and left us behind
风的私语平静 And the wind - whispering soft lullabies
缓缓闭上眼睛 Will soothe - so close your eyes
让你拥抱我们 Let your arms enfold us
穿过黑色夜景 Through the dark of night
天使保护我们 Will your angels hold us
直到光明来临 Till we see the light
睡吧天使照应 Sleep, angels will watch over you
美丽梦想成真 And soon beautiful dreams will come true
感到拥抱灵魂 Can you feel spirits embracing your soul
梦想驱散黑影 So dream while secrets of darkness unfold
让你拥抱我们 Let your arms enfold us
穿过黑色夜景 Through the dark of night
天使保护我们 Will your angels hold us
直到光明来临 Till we see the light