慎用害虫控制(Pest control)公司.
在DC 地区很活跃的一家害虫控制(Pest control)公司,很不地道.
前几年给我做了一次treatment, 居然闪过了阳台和车道.
我的一个客户,要买一栋房子.请该公司做inspection. 客户清楚交代他们不要treatment. 因为客户要回国一段时间,所以交代他们做treatment之前,一定要打电话给我.
"Hello, I am XXXX from Sxxxxx Pest Control".
"I did the inspection for your client at 1234 Main Street".
"I found live termite outside of the house, but nothing inside. There is no damage in the house".
"That's good".
"I told them termites are very common in this area. There is nothing to be worried. They are OK, and everything is being taken care of".
"That's great".
第二天,$475 的帐单就挂在了门口.
"My clients saw a bill on their door. What is that? They did not order the treatment".
"You ordered it".
"What? I never did that".
"Yes, you did. I told you there were live termite and this house needs to be treated, and you said go ahead".
"No, I never said go ahead".
"Yes, you did. I remember clearly you said that".
"No, you just said everything was being taken care of and I said that's great".
"Maybe there was a misunderstanding, but anyway, they need to do the treatment".
"even though, they need to shop around to find a good deal and good quality company".
"I am flexible. Let them shop around and I will match the best price from a licensed pest control company".
"I cannot make decision for my clients. I need to talk with them".
As I know this is not a good company, so I was concerned if they skipped the driveway and deck again this time. So I drove there immediately to check out.
Then I did not find any evidence of treatment.
So, I called the manager immediately and ask them not to treat the house unless they have written order from my clients. And they agreed.
They continue to send the bill in even if they did not do anything. Well, I told my clients not to pay them.
Now my clients are happy with the result, and I am happy too.