维州州立公园游记(2)-Assateague Island National seashore

从Kiptopeke state park 驾车延13 号公路北上2个小时,转入175公路,不久就是 Chincoteague 岛。穿过这个小岛就是维州最大的海滨浴场 Assateague Island National Seashore。


岛上监控态放养野马。每年的马驹游泳节上会拍卖一些野马,剩下适当数量的野马放归自然。每年7月吸引万人岛上观光。在Chincoteague岛的南端码头,还有很多的游船招揽客人出海观景和钓鱼,30美元每人2个小时观景,40 美元每人4小时钓鱼。岛上的海贝养殖首推汤姆,他们提供给岛上海鲜店的生豪和牡蛎值得一尝。


好了看公园提供的照片吧, 冬天岛上观鸟可壮观了!


There are two entrances to Assateague Island National Seashore. Assateague's north entrance is at the end of Route 611, eight miles south of Ocean City, MD. The south entrance is at the end of Route 175, two miles from Chincoteague, VA. There is no vehicle access between the two entrances on Assateague Island. Vehicles must return to the mainland to access either the north or south entrance.
