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Men's Health - Cholesterol and Heart Health
with Dr. Chad Larson

Today, I want to discuss a new product that can help head off the number one killer of men - heart disease (by the way, the number one killer of women too).

Cholesstrinol PS™ is a proprietary formula derived from natural citrus and palm fruit extracts. Cholesstrinol combines PMF-source, citrus flavonoids, TocoSource palm tocotrienols and other proprietary constituents. Cholesstrinol targets different mechanisms and bio-pathways to produce synergistic results for the promotion of healthy total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Additionally, Cholesstrinol is a powerful antioxidant with numerous heart health benefits that help control anti-inflammatory responses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will Cholesstrinol do for me?
Clinical results have demonstrated that Cholesstrinol can improve total cholesterol levels up to 30%, LDL cholesterol levels up to 27%, and triglyceride levels up to 34% within four to twelve weeks. Additionally, clinicals have demonstrated Cholesstrinol can have a positive impact apoprotein AI levels as well as playing a significant role as an anti-inflammatory. Cholesstrinol can do all this without the negative side effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs. The tocotrienols in Cholesstrinol have been shown to reduce arterial plaque build-up.

How does Cholesstrinol work?
Unlike dietary supplements that attempt to block the absorption of cholesterol from the foods we consume, Cholesstrinol works to balance cholesterol production in the liver naturally. The Cholesstrinol formula has three different and complementary mechanism of action in the body that deliver heart health benefits without the depletion of CoQ10 common with statin drugs.

Is Cholesstrinol safe?
Cholesstrinol was developed after years of extensive research on the cardiovascular effects of polymethoxylated flavonoids and tocotrienols. The safety on Cholesstrinol has been demonstrated in vitro, in vivo, and multiple clinical studies. Clinical studies demonstrate that consuming 300 mg of Cholesstrinol per day is safe with no adverse effects reported. Animal toxicity studies resulted in a maximum tolerated dose for Cholesstrinol of 14 grams per day; this translates to greater than 14 grams per day for a 150 pound individual.

How often should I take Cholesstrinol?
Cholesstrinol PS is one of the easiest ways to promote healthy cholesterol levels. Simply take two 150 mg servings per day, with or without meals. Since Cholesstrinol works in the liver, it does not need to be taken prior to, immediately following, or directly with meals and it will not upset your stomach like other products.

Do I have to diet and exercise?
Cholesstrinol PS works independent of diet and exercise, but we recommend proper nutrition and exercise as an important component of a total approach to developing good heart health.

What sets Cholesstrinol apart?
While other cholesterol improving supplements fail to consistently deliver on their claims, Cholesstrinol PS has repeatedly succeeded in clinical studies. Some products say they are clinically proven, but the ingredient used in the trial is not available to the consumer. Furthermore, too often the effective dose used in the clinical trials is not the same dosage that is found in the supplement at retail. Cholesstrinol delivers the same ingredient at the same effective dose used in clinical trials.

Are there negative interactions with medicine?
No, there are no known negative interactions with any medication. However, you should always consult with your physician prior to altering prescription drug therapy.

Who can benefit from Cholesstrinol?
Cholesstrinol PS provides nutritional support for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy heart without the negative side effects that can occur with other supplements and statin drugs.

What delivery system is most effective?
The original clinical work was done with capsules but tablets and soft gels are also available as dietary supplements.

Is Cholesstrinol PS and Plant Sterols a good Combination?
Yes, the research on plant sterols for the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels is quite compelling and provides a sound basis for the Cholesstrinol PS formulation.

+ Purchase Cholesstrinol-PS Here and Get FREE Shipping

Key References:

  • Roza, et al. Effect of Citrus Flavonoids and Tocotrienols on Serum Cholesterol Levels in Hypercholesterolemic Subjects (Cholesstrinol™)  Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine 13(6) 2007, 44-48.
  • American Heart Association. What Your Cholesterol Levels Mean. Available at: American Heart Association. Accessed August 24, 2007.
  • Your Guide to Lowering Your Cholesterol With TLC. Washington, DC: US Dept of Health and Human Services; 2005. NIH publication 06-5235.
  • Cook NC, Samman S. Flavonoids-chemistry, metabolism, cardioprotective effects, and dietary sources. J Nutr Biochem. 1996;7(2):66-76.
  • Borradaile NM, Carroll KK, Kurowska EM. Regulation of HepG2 cell apolipoprotein B metabolism by the citrus fl avanones hesperetin and naringenin. Lipids. 1999;34(6):591-598.
  • Kurowska EM, Manthey JA, Hasegawa S, Manners GD, Vandenberg TA. Cholesterollowering effects of citrus juices, flavonoids and limonoids. Paper presented at: International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods; September 13-17, 2000; Houston, TX.
  • Kurowska EM, Banh C, Hasegawa S, Manners GD. Regulation of Apo B production in HepG2 cells by citrus limonoids. In: Berhow MA, Hasegawa S, eds. Citrus Limonoids: Functional Chemicals in Agriculture and Foods. ACS Symposium Series. Washington, CD: American Chemical Society; 2000:175-184.
  • Guthrie N, Kurowska EM. Anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering activities of tocotrienols. In: Wildman REC, ed. Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2000:269-280.
  • Qureshi AA, Bradlow BA, Brace L, et al. Response of hypercholesterolemic subjects to administration of tocotrienols. Lipids. 1995; 30(12):1171-1177.
  • Quereshi AA, Bradlow BA, Salser WA, Brace LD. Novel tocotrienols of rice bran modulate cardiovascular disease risk parameters of hypercholesterolemic humans. Nutr Biochem. 1997;8(5):290-298.
  • Mensink RP, van Houvelingen AC, Kromhout D, Hornstra G. A vitamin E concentrate rich in tocotrienols had no effect on serum lipids, lipoproteins, or platelet function in men with mildly elevated serum lipid concentrations. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999;69(2):213-219.
  • Newaz MA, Nawal NN. Effect of gamma-tocotrienol on blood pressure, lipid peroxidation and total antioxidant status in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Clin Exper Hypertens. 1999;21(8):1297-1313. Manthey JA, Grohmann K, Guthrie N. Biological properties of citrus fl avonoids pertaining to cancer and infl ammation. Curr Med Chem. 2001;8(2):135-153.
  • Pearce BC, Parker RA, Deason ME, Quereshi AA, Wright JJ. Hypercholesterolemic activity of synthetic and natural tocotrienols. J Med Chem. 1992;35(20):3595-3606.
  • Quereshi AA, Pearce BC, Nor RM, Gapor A, Peterson DM, Elson CE. Dietary alpha-tocopherol attenuates the impact of gamma-tocotrienol on Hepatic 3-hydroxy- 3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity in chickens. J Nutr. 1996;126(2):389-394.
  • Theriault A, Chao JT, Wang Q, Gapor A, Adeli K. Tocotrienol: a review of its therapeutic potential. Clin Biochem. 1999;32(5):309-319.
  • Kurowska EM, Laidlaw M, Barber J, et al. Sytrinol™ , a novel cholesterol-lowering supplement. Paper presented at: Canadian Federation of Biological Sciences Annual Meeting; June 21-25, 2005; Guelph, Ontario, Canada.