Longevity To-Dos for Every Age

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Longevity To-Dos for Every Age
from Mark Stibich, Ph.D.

Your 20s are different in so many ways than your 40s. What you need to be thinking about for anti-aging and staying young is different too. Find your decade below and get started on your Longevity To-Do list.

For Your 20s

Here's the key to longevity while you are young - don't do anything stupid. Be safe, avoid car accidents, don't start smoking and establish some habits (like exercise and healthy eating) that will last a lifetime.
For Your 30s

Now is the time to really make sure your lifestyle habits are in good shape. Get your weight to a healthy level and keep it there and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Don't let life get in the way of health.
For Your 40s

Keep with the healthy lifestyle in your 40s, but also start with the screenings if you haven't already. It is important to have yourself checked for cancer and other diseases. If you can catch problems early, you can deal with them quickly.
For Your 50s

Look down at your stomach. If you are not happy with what you see, that is the priority for your 50s. Take getting to a healthy weight very seriously now. You can avoid many health conditions still by losing some pounds, eating right and exercising.
For Your 60s

Watch out for retirement in your 60s. Be sure that you have a strong sense of purpose and meaning in your life beyond work. Find ways to interact with people and contribute once you are not heading to work everyday.
For Your 70s

Now is the time you need to actively protect your energy levels and avoid falling into bad habits. Stay on top of medical conditions and be sure to get out and exercise as often as you can.
For Your 80s

In your 80s make sure you keep up with screening and monitoring your health. Keep a healthy lifestyle, do something active everyday and stay connected with people.
For Your 90s

You may think you have reached longevity, but you are not even close. The longest-lived person in the world made it to 122. You've got 30 or so years ahead of you, so don't let up now. Stay on top of any medical conditions and, most importantly, stay active and engaged in the world.
Thanks for taking this e-course. Remember to make every day just a bit healthier than the day before. Best of luck, Mark Stibich, PhD, About.com Guide to Longevity.