

1) 糯米头天晚上泡水,沥水待用。
2) 肉馅加料酒,生抽,香油,一小罐普济,姜剁碎,香菇泡发洗净,一起搅拌均匀,揉丸子。
3) 丸子裹上糯米,上笼蒸半小时,装盘。

A very simple recipe to make -

1) Leave the sweet rice covered with water overnight to soften the sweet rice
2) Make the meat ball. I added a small jar of water chestnut so that the meat ball has a little crunchiness. You can also add some mushroom, ginger, soy source, sesame oil and any other spice you like. Ground the meat and the ingredients together. Make small balls
3) Cover the balls with a layer of sweet rice
4) Steam for 30-45 min.

请看 The Coconut Head;
