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前一阵子觉得胸口闷,感觉自己好像生病了。有一天躺在床上闲来无事,便想试试姐妹俩,当时她们在旁边玩游戏玩得正欢。我吓唬她们:“妈妈是不是要死了?”“不会的,你不会死。”俩姐妹同时急切地说道,然后便一直无语。过了好一会儿,六岁的妹妹说:“Mommy, there are two news if you die one good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?” 我告诉她先听坏消息,她便说:“The good news is that you will not suffer from the earthquake we are going to have in California. And the bad news is that we are going to miss you so so much.” 顿时为妹妹的深谋远虑而折服!
