爱因斯坦是倾向于自然神论的,他受斯宾诺莎的影响很大。他也是相信决定论的。对于量子力学的统计解释,他尚不能接受,更何况一个有人格,有自由意志的神。但是仅仅有科学的世界是不完整的世界,科学所关心的世界是可测试的(Testability and Falsifiability),但是科学所揭示的世界却是个没有自由意志,也就没有主观的,只有客观的世界。因为观察者没有自由意志,他也不能主动的去观察和解释世界,科学也无从发生。
因此我觉得,science alone, is not self-sufficient and self-sustained.近几个世纪以来,由于科学的飞速发展,人们过度的盲目乐观,渐渐忽略了科学的局限性。正如哥德尔证明了任何复杂到可以表述自然数的公理体系都不可能既是完备的又不自相矛盾,从而让人们意识到逻辑的局限性,今天,人们也渐渐意识到自然科学的局限性。
Yes,there are so many reasons for poeple to go to churches.That is a good thing because if you never go to church you may never have a chance to know the truth.
One of the reasons that people go to church is because of loneliness... the desire to be with people, to hang around with your own folks.... that's why people back home in China don't want to or need to go to church, they are not alone... always with someone, which brings another issue of not having space in China, physically and mentally....which is annoying as well
jwayne_1 发表评论于
religion may help certain people or even society at times. however, it is unavoidable that it will be used by certain people or a group of people to do evil things. happens all the time. so who knows the overall effect is positive or negative.
很多华人到了国外,因为社会环境的变化,内心的不安,希望融入主流社会,需要精神物质上的帮助而信教,这可以理解但并不值得宣扬,因为用爱因斯坦的话来说就是:“we are a sorry lot indeed.”。(这里爱因斯坦把自己也包括在内也说明了他的社会责任感。)
If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.(Albert Einstein)
人(们)如果做好人是仅仅因为惧怕惩罚和希望回报,那人(类)真是很糟糕。(Translated by follow@the-way.us)
he religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. (Albert Einstein)
未来的宗教,会是宇宙宗教。它应当超越人格化的上帝,避免教条和神学。它要涵盖“天(自然)、神(精神)”两仪,应当基于一种来自对万物“天(自然)、神(精神)”一体的感受而产生宗教意识。佛教回应了这一描述,因此,如果有什么宗教能够应对现代科学的话,可能就是佛教。 (Translated by 虚度)
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
没有宗教的科学是跛足的;没有科学的宗教是盲目的。(Translated by 虚度)
(爱因斯坦对他所说的宗教有一点解释:“首先我将不问宗教是什么,而宁愿问用什么可以刻划一个使我认为笃信宗教的人的抱负:在我看来,一个受到宗教启发的人已经在最大限度内把他自己从自私的欲望的桎梏中解放出来,而全神贯注于那些具有超个人的价值而为他所坚持的思想、感情和抱负之中。……”由此,或许可以把爱因斯坦所说的宗教理解成(具有一定规范的)“为某种精神价值取向而投入、甚至献身的崇高精神和活动。”可以想象,对于“某种精神价值取向”,在缺乏科学的情况下,往往是盲目的,具有强烈的“迷信”色彩;而在科学的道路上,如果没有“为某种精神价值取向而投入、甚至献身的崇高精神” ,那还不是“跛足的”的吗?)