I''ve learned that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
jennifer123ee 发表评论于
Humm, I rest my case.
"By the way, I am not even college graduated"
北燕西飞. 发表评论于
There are huge percentage of US nurses are imported from other countries, such as Philippines, China...etc. Believe or not, we are still importing every year!
Regarding your comment on that “only the U.S. has the best doctors and nurses in the world”All I can say is that you reallllllly make me laugh, and I laughed so hard after I have learned that you have TWO doctor's degreeS
I really don’t know who you talkED about! By the way, I am not even college graduated
jennifer123ee 发表评论于
You don't import doctors and nurses from other country, only the U.S. has the best doctors and nurses in the world. i don't need to argue with you.
I'm not insulting every chinese, i only talked about some. You know who i talk about?
Oh "My tiny little brain"? I have 2 doctor's degree, and my salary is more than 98% of population. I don't think my brain function too bad.
In order to save my valuable time, I will only respond your comment on number 8, but that doesn’t mean your other comments are conceivable. US are immigrants’ country, and more than 12% populations are immigrants, including you! So we can import doctors and nurses as many as we needed,we do not have to depend on our own resources.
One more thing, you ARE insulting most Chinese here with your stupid comment “but alots of chinese here really don't know too much about the american government or politics “if you don’t believe that is insulting, something is wrong with your perception, and I believe most of Chinese in the States are 藏龙卧虎,精英! Who knows more American government and politics than your tiny brain can imagine!
jennifer123ee 发表评论于
1. "Illegal immigrants" is another issue to resolve. Whether public option would cover them or not is not clear. But as you said, they have already been partially covered at present anyway.
"illegal immigrant" is not another issue if they are cost tons of $$ from tax payer. unfortually, liberals choose to ignore it.
2. Insurance is a tool to help people including yourself. Your irresponsibility has nothing to be proud of.
Trillion $ is the estimation for years ahead, not for each year. The startup cost will finally get long term saving.
You have no right of calling me irresponsible. I choose not to buy insurance because i'm young and health. If i become sick, i can afford health care with my saving
3. Public option gives a choice to small businesses, not force them giving up their current one if they have. How their costs can increase?
Public and private service can co-exist for different needs.
Yes, ideally it could exist. But if obamacare success, most of employers will stop insure their empolyees to save money, they will just tell them to get on government's health care. Private insurace will collaps.
As matter of fact, the problem with the insurance industrial is there are too much government regulations, if the consumers are allow to purchase insurance across the states, it will create healthy competition.
4. It's one myth that hospitals would suddenly line up with millions of patients under healthcare reform. Uninsured is only 1/6 of population. Your line could add only 1/6 longer, not counting the increase of healthcare resources.
7. High rocketing healthcare cost indicates a kind of monopoly profit hanging above us. Can you beg them a lower premium for you? You have the only choice to give them more money!
go back to my response to your #3
8. It takes time for the completion of the reform. As we know, pre-med is the most popular major right now. Don't under-estimate our new generation.
haha, premed is the popular, everyone can choose it, But you know how many people actually made it to medical school? Thanks to our high quality medical training program.
北燕西飞. 发表评论于
In order to save my valuable time, I will only respond your comment on number 8, but that doesn’t mean your other comments are conceivable. US are immigrants’ country, and more than 12% populations are immigrants, including you! So we can import doctors and nurses as many as we needed,we do not have to depend on our own resources.
One more thing, you ARE insulting most Chinese here with your stupid comment “but alots of chinese here really don't know too much about the american government or politics “if you don’t believe that is insulting, something is wrong with your perception, and I believe most of Chinese in the States are 藏龙卧虎,精英! Who knows more American government and politics than your tiny brain can imagine!
武胜 发表评论于
1. "Illegal immigrants" is another issue to resolve. Whether public option would cover them or not is not clear. But as you said, they have already been partially covered at present anyway.
2. Insurance is a tool to help people including yourself. Your irresponsibility has nothing to be proud of.
Trillion $ is the estimation for years ahead, not for each year. The startup cost will finally get long term saving.
3. Public option gives a choice to small businesses, not force them giving up their current one if they have. How their costs can increase?
Public and private service can co-exist for different needs.
4. It's one myth that hospitals would suddenly line up with millions of patients under healthcare reform. Uninsured is only 1/6 of population. Your line could add only 1/6 longer, not counting the increase of healthcare resources.
7. High rocketing healthcare cost indicates a kind of monopoly profit hanging above us. Can you beg them a lower premium for you? You have the only choice to give them more money!
8. It takes time for the completion of the reform. As we know, pre-med is the most popular major right now. Don't under-estimate our new generation.
No true! Government only request hospitals to provide emergency care to people who don't have insurance. They don't provide chronicle care.
A majority of $$ is spending on illegal immigrants who don't pay tax.
2. 无保险者买不起高价保险,但如果有可负担保险,他们就能支付部分健保费用。如果每个家庭平均仅支付一到二千元一年,每年就有高达100亿以上的健保新投入。
Not true! A big portion of small business owner or young people choose not to purchase insurance, I'm one of them. I can afford it, but I don't want to. I like to have the freedom to not to purchase insurance. "100亿以上?" that is far less than the trillion dollars even Obama's government project.
If health care reform pass, government controlled health care will replaced private insurance company. The small business will stop providing health care to any of their employee. Small insurance companies will collaps, You have no choice, but rely on your government.
Furthermore, most of small business owners are placed at high tax brackets, they burden will increase more to fund the program.
4. 增加健保覆盖,有助于预防疾病传播和阻止小病发展为大病恶病。这是一个多赢的前景。
Increasing coverages for more people also mean some of the cares are covered by your insurace company right now won't be available to you in the future. You will have less options when comes to your medical treatment.
Older people and people with chronical disease maynot get the cares because of it.
You can choose which private insurance company to purchase insurance from, but you can't choose not to be controlled by your government! At least not until next election.
8. 增加覆盖还要求有更多的医生护士等健保人员,增加这个行业的工作。增加的工作就会创造新税收。
HAHAHA funny !
so you realize there will be more doctors and nurses needed? you think if obama want to health care reform today, he can hire more doctor's and nurses tomorrow?
It takes years of school and training to be in health care field. They are the ones in top 5% of their class. Health care providers are in shortage as it is now. If you decrease their income with Obamacare, only bottom 5% of student will go to the profession.
你们的意思 right to pursue happiness 就是要保障happiness。 医疗保健是基本人权要保障,那性生活是不是是健康成年人的更日常更基本的权利呢?那么多单身汉,是不是政府都要来管一管保一保呢?你们有公德心同情心,是要把女儿贡出来,还是要把老婆来共一共呢为政府解决难题呢?什么?没门?那让强奸犯性饥渴都去你家门口转悠去!
Obama is a lame duck, his approval rating is dropping like a rock. The more people know about the health care bill, the more people against it.
No offensive, but alots of chinese here really don't know too much about the american government or politics, they are only here to insult people who disagree with them. How is it possible to have an argument with them?
Good job, Noso and a few other people! you guys keep post good stuff here!
Calm down 仙! please, don’t get so excited, Okay? Do you have any freaking ideas that how much US government spend on the war every SINGLE day? Those A-holes( Excuse me my language) in the House willing to spend the billions dollars on the war, but refuse to pay for basic medical bills for American people who cannot afford it
"right to pursue happiness" is not equal to "right to gauranteee happiness". 你有权利追求幸福(包括吃穿教育,医疗保险,结婚生子,etc. etc.),政府不应该成为你追求这些幸福的阻碍,但不是说政府或者其他人应该替你包办这些事儿。奥巴马的全民医保是要替少数人包办这些幸福,但是恰恰成为了其他大多数愿意自食其力的人民追求他们的幸福的阻碍。
This is why the Democrats are lashing out like wounded water buffalo. Rasmussen’s latest poll shows ObamaCare dropping like a rock in public opinion. As in approaching two to one against. Worst of all for Obama’s plan, the ratio is three to one against among non-affiliated voters.
Thirty-two percent (32%) of voters nationwide favor a single-payer health care system where the federal government provides coverage for everyone. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% are opposed to a single-payer plan.
Fifty-two percent (52%) believe such a system would lead to a lower quality of care while 13% believe care would improve. Twenty-seven percent (27%) think that the quality of care would remain about the same.
Forty-five percent (45%) also say a single-payer system would lead to higher health care costs while 24% think lower costs would result. Nineteen percent (19%) think prices would remain about the same.
There’s wide political disagreement over the single-payer issue. Sixty-two percent (62%) of Democrats favor a single-payer system, but 87% of Republicans are opposed to one. As for those not affiliated with either major party, 22% favor a single-payer approach while 63% are opposed.
This is why the Democrats are howling madly and trying desperately to shift blame away from themselves. This is why some are hiding from constituents while others are preemptively demonizing anyone who disagrees with them. If the public polls are this bad, how much worse are their internal polls?
I’d bet they are staring at electoral disaster and they know it. If they pass this monstrous plan against these kind of poll numbers, there are going to be a lot - a real lot - of unemployed Democrats in 2010.
No doubt they are planning on passing a former Democratic lawmaker stimulus plan in the near future. Just in case. They’ll need one.
noso 发表评论于
please do your homework. : )
Failed canada health care
The Top Ten Things People Believe About Canadian Health Care, But There exist many indefensible myths about the Canadian single-payer health care system Among these myths are that Canada has the best health care system in the world that the Health care in Canada – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Health care in Canada is funded and delivered through a publicly-funded health care system, with to introduce such a scheme, but while he created the Department of Health he failed Don Spatz Why adopt Canadas failed health-care system City Council last week turned down, but barely, support for one of the so-called single-payer health-care bills floating around in the ether of Harrisburg Its a barely disguised The Failed Promises of Government Funded Health Care More Guns Less Obama Failed to Master Alinskys Rule #12 At what point does a liberal become a Stalinist Midas Muffler, Not Canada is the Model for Health Care Reform US Healthcare a Failed Business Model The health care is what has failed Batfishy, on 07242009, -016 Youve got to read the show last night its funny and hes going all out with Canadian and English health care American Thinker The Failed Promises of Government Funded Health Care The health care debate in Obama Failed to Master Alinskys Rule #12 At what point does a liberal become a Stalinist Midas Muffler, Not Canada is the Model for Health Care Reform Canadas national health care system failed Natasha Richardson The San Francisco Examiner has the intelligent Editorials and Opinion Articles you want to read View articles about World News, Politics, Economic News and more Don Spatz Why adopt Canadas failed health-care system City Council last week turned down, but barely, support for one of the so-called single-payer health-care bills floating around in the ether of Harrisburg Single-payer health care has failed in every other country Single-payer health care has failed in every other country that has tried it Canada controls health costs by forcing patients to wait months for MRI scans and cardiac surgeries US health care lies about Canada – Diane Francis However the US government under Comrade Obama is going in the canadianfailed direction Americans are trashing Canadian health care, not because they want to make our care better
noso 发表评论于
I refuse to respond any stupid personal attack like yours.
HCC 发表评论于
How come it worked in France, Canada, Great Britain, Taiwan, South Korea....etc?
dongfangshaoer 发表评论于
You are "the people", right? Did you truly understand the issues involved or just being a copy cat????