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What's so special about clipping a child's fingernails?


Oh, well, Ethan had a nail biting problem for 3 years.  Ever since he was only about a year and half, he began to bite his fingernails constantly through out the day, we did everything we can to tell him stop doing it whenever we saw it, but it didn't really help.  It was, at least to me, a symptom of his nervousness.  I read almost everything I can found on toddler nail-biting, many advices say not to make it a big deal.  We didn't.  Between his daycare teachers and us, we reminded him nicely all day long.  But the nail biting continued.  One "good" thing out of it was that I didn't need to trim his fingernails at all for 3 years.  Trust me, that's not something that I'm really glad to get rid of. 


As time went on, my concerns were sort of gone, since I realized that I couldn't do anything to change him in the short term.  And when I came home from the hospital at the end of March, I picked up the nail clipping job only for Emma. I didn't say anything to Ethan, however, I was carefully observing him day in and day out.

About 2 weeks ago, while we were all at the dinner table, I noticed that Ethan's fingernails have grew!  I was beyond happy and excitement about my discovery, that means that he had stopped biting his fingernails completely all by himself. I said to him enthusiastically:" Wow! Ethan, you have some fingernails!  I think mommy needs to trim them after dinner."  He said:"Yeah, Mommy, that's a good idea!"  I told him that how happy I was to be able to clip his fingernails again.  Later that evening, I happily performed my motherly duty. 

To me, as a mother (a parent), I feel much better to be able to do more work for my child(ren)

rurumama 发表评论于
so touching...you are the best mommy there is.