05.15.2009, our company had a golf tournament inside of company employees.
We had 8 teams and each is consists of 4 people and each had a team leader who is kind of level PGA (Professor of Golf Association).
I am not a big fan of golfing. But I participates every time as I am trying to have fun and to improve my golf skills little by little.
This is my sixth time golf tournament.
This was one of the hottest days (30’c) in the summer of this year.
This was my best achievements so far!
I had the best records this time, as my strikes were picked up totally 6 times which were being used by our team. Hahaha! JJJ
Besides, I was the one won the special prize on the 13th hole! They set up a special white line in the middle of Fairway, whoever has the closest ball beside this white line, who wins.
I was the one, yes! JJJ
By the way, my team leader had finished the 9th hole with Eagle. He was so excited because it was his first time of Eagle in his life.
I found out that the golf course this time is the most beautiful one I ever took part in.
Please see some photos I have below:
Welcome Entrance:/>
Golf Course Photos:
Clubhouse and Facilities:
They are very beautiful, aren’t they?
All of these need to be remembered. I have this special blog in memory of this special golf activity!
Some notes I got from web site:
Tee 发球台 : 高尔夫选手每洞发第一个球的平坦区域。他们必须在发球台两个标志之间发球。
这也指高尔夫选手只可以在第一次击球使用的木制或者塑料制的 spike ,把球举起来,这样打球更容易一些。
The Green 果岭 : 在球洞周围非常平坦的区域。这个区域的草很特殊,有利于选手将球推到洞中。
Fairway 球道 : 从发球台到果岭之间宽阔的草区域。
Rough 长草区 : 球道的边缘区,草更长一些,所以不容易打球。
Hole 洞 : 高尔夫球场上一共有 18 个洞。由发球台、球道和果岭组成。洞也指事实上高尔夫选手想把球打进的洞,通常里面插一只旗来指示。
Pin 洞 : 是事实上洞的另一种说法,有一只旗来指示。
Par 标准杆 : 是指高尔夫选手把球打进指定洞里应该使用的标准或者打球的特定数目。通常由洞的长度和难度决定,一般为 3~5 杆。
Birdie 小鸟球 : 是指高尔夫选手使用了为一洞设定标准杆少一杆的数量打完一洞。例如标准杆是 4 杆,但选手只使用 3 杆就打完这洞。
Eagle 老鹰球 : 是指高尔夫选手使用了为一洞设定标准杆少两杆的数量打完一洞。
Bogie 博基 : 是指高尔夫选手使用了为一洞设定标准杆多一杆的数量打完一洞。
Banker 沙坑 : 在球场周围设的沙坑。有一些特殊规则适用于选手怎样从沙坑里打出球。从沙坑里打出球非常困难。
Hazard 障碍 : 选手不容易打球的地方或者事物。有一些特殊规则适用。包括池塘、河流和湖,这些叫做水障碍。 如果他们把球打到障碍里,选手可以弃球,然后从一个特殊地方打球,也可以招致罚球。
Divot 草皮(削下来) : 高尔夫选手削下来或者击球后削下来的草皮。
Driver 木杆( 1 号) : 有圆的大杆头的大木杆,用来击出长距离的球。 高尔夫选手自己的球袋里可能没有准备。大力击球就是用 1 号木杆击出长距离的球。
Putter 推杆 : 有小平头的球杆,用作在果岭上推球,使球进洞的杆。 To “ putt ”是用推杆推球。
Iron 铁杆 : 用金属做的杆,有角度的杆头是用作中距离的击球。
高尔夫球手会带很多这种杆。杆号越小(例如 4 号铁杆),球击得越远。
Pitch: 劈击出一杆非常短而高的击球,通常在果岭边缘附近击出,或在沙坑外面或要越过某物体。
Wedge 沙杆或劈起杆 : 是一种特殊铁杆,在杆头有更大的角度,后部设计得光滑,用作从沙坑处非常短而高的击球
18 洞是一个标准的高尔夫球场的洞数, 一般在 6900 码左右。
18 个洞分为 4 个 3 杆洞 , 即标准杆 , 为 3 杆进洞的洞 , 4 个 5 杆洞 , 10 个 4 杆洞。
18 洞的总杆数应为 72 杆。当选手打完一洞用完同等数量的杆数,那么他们就使用了为这个洞设定标准杆同样的数量。
据不完全统计 , 打完 18 洞用的最短的杆的数量是 56 杆。