Star Scopes (8/14/09 - 8/20/09)
Author: James Tucker
Aries-March 21-April 19 (白羊座)
Your greatest gift is a strong spirit. Never give up. When the chips are down, you can always hang in there, give 110 percent and do the right things needed to survive and thrive. The stress of the past year or so will begin to ease soon. You will see life and finances gradually easing by the fall. Keep on keeping on.
Taurus-April 20-May 20 (金牛座)
Coming back to your creative self insures a renewal of present and future happiness, growth and success. You have done your work. It’s time to play. You have so much promise and potential. Your wisdom, life experience and desire will now continue you on and up to your greatest dreams.
Gemini-May 21-June 21(双子座)
Your positive attitude has brought you safely through many of life’s challenges. It will continue to guide you in the future. Failure is not an option with you. Keep honing your talents and skills. This will prepare you for new conquests. Your natural passion for live is like a beacon for other thirsty souls who admire you.
Cancer-June 22-July 22(巨蟹座)
You thrive under pressure. Make sure it is the creative kind. When others around you are falling apart, you keep on going. Life works easier if you replace the joy in your heart each day. Do something nice for you every day. Now, your powerful presence is felt by others who feel inspired just being around you.
Leo-July 23-Aug. 22(狮子座)
Courage is one of your greatest assets. The others are loyalty, honesty and compassion. You are always there for your friends. You don’t cut corners. You have a sense of justice. You give it your all when your heart is in it. All these wonderful gifts continue to advance you in life.
Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22(处女座)
Recent successes makes you want to do even more in life. You can do it. Be sure to chart a course, three, six, 12 months down the road. Then take it a day at a time and move it forward. Instill this goal and dream oriented direction in the hearts of close friend and you will continue to reap great rewards. Great job.
Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22(天秤座)
See, it works when you pace yourself. Remember last week. This keeps you balanced. You are calmer and your spirit remains strong .The extra energy gained should be used to keep your body, mind and heart working a high level. You have mastered life. Keep this direction and things will work out as if by magic.
Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21(天蝎座)
Many new ideas keep coming from your dream state. It’s very important that you write them down. Who knows? One idea could give you back $1 million in happiness. Refuse to listen to others unless they share your visions. Be careful who you tell your deepest secrets.
Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21(人马座)
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of joviality and abundance. Do things that are fun and profitable. Then share with and teach others how you do it. Take care of the most important details first. Lesser things can wait. This is not procrastination. It is the wise use of your time.
Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19(摩羯座)
Your love of life is at a new high. It will continue to increase. You feel at peace with the world for the first time in ages. Stay focused and on the higher easier path. You have earned it. Don’t worry about the small stuff. Now every thing you want will fall in place like clockwork. You are so very deserving of life’s best.
Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18(宝瓶座)
You have done much soul searching this year. You set new and higher goals. They are progressing. The fall should bring even more fun and rewards. This is not the best time to start new projects but to push existing ones forward. Stay on this focused path and work off top priorities. Life is so much simpler this way.
Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20(双鱼座)
You are running fully extended. The best time to do that is when you see the finish line just ahead. Try to pace yourself to prevent burnouts along the way. Only go all out when there is a deadline to meet. Your strong sense of responsibility will sweep you on to wonderful rewards and victories if you work this plan.