Star Scopes (8/21/09 - 8/27/09)

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Star Scopes (8/21/09 - 8/27/09)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19 (白羊座)

Aries has a multitude of blessings right now. Why? It’s because you give so much, the universe is beginning to pour out blessings in return. You are a true messenger of hope. You always give encouragement and understanding. Also, your courage in the face of challenge is one of your greatest gifts.

Taurus-April 20-May 20 (金牛座)

Finish old projects before beginning new ones. Take an inventory of old habits, attitudes, events and things no longer needed and let them go. This makes room for new growth in your life. You can tell how well this is working by your happiness level. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Like attracts like, you know.

Gemini-May 21-June 21(双子座)

See, the lighter touch woks when you allow it. Sometimes less is more. Now is not the best time to feel overloaded and burned out. Patience is the key to action. Wait until you have a clear vision before making changes. This puts the odds of success in your favor. Stay focused on your dream and success is yours.

Cancer-June 22-July 22(巨蟹座)

By nature, your heart rules your head. When you start a project and your heart is in it, you will succeed. If you are in doubt about an idea, don’t start it. Your energy is strong right now. Be sure to make a little time each day for fun and recharging. Hit the thrift stores and put together a new outfit. Now life is so much fun.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22(狮子座)

Your future is bright because you plan for it in the present then live it one day at a time.  You continue to manifest your dreams into realities. You know your capabilities better than anyone. Stay focused on your top priorities. When the work is done, it’s time to play. With this kind of balance, life is so much easier.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22(处女座)

Listen to your closest friends and advisors then make your own final decisions. Your time in the zodiac is coming soon. It’s time to set daily, quarterly and monthly goals for the coming year. Write them down and review them often. This keeps you moving forward rather than being sidetracked on less important things.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22(天秤座)

Yours is an adventuresome life. You know what you want and you know how to get it. If others around you don’t know, tell them. This keeps life running smoothly because of better communications. As your life progresses, be sure to keep releasing the old to prepare for the new. This keeps life in divine order.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21(天蝎座)

You are constantly giving birth to new ideas. Your heart and spirit work over time. You are the eternal optimist. You never give up. Your enthusiasm is contagious to everyone around you. You know so much about life. Your dreams are strong and accurate. Wow. What a wonderful life you have created.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21(人马座)

Taking quality time each day is very important for your emotional well being. If you don’t make this time, you will survive, but you won’t grow. Go to the water once a week. Commune with nature. You may not fully realize the power you truly have. Humanity, more than earthly possessions, is what makes you truly happy.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19(摩羯座)

Your accumulated wisdom and experience continues to propel you up to your highest dreams. Your heart is so open and full of love. With this inner glow and strength you are invincible. There is no stopping you. Your light will continue to shine brightly. Life is good. You have made it happen. Great job.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18(宝瓶座)

Try looking at challenges from a new viewpoint. When unsure of a direction, stop, step back, take a deep breath and refocus. Ask for advice from trusted friends when needed. That’s what friends are for. Then continue on toward your dream. You don’t have to do everything at once. Just put the important ones first.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20(双鱼座)

Make decisions based on hunches and instincts and you always win. This is what the universal spirit and light is for. Stay in sync with divine timing. It simplifies life and keeps you at full charge. It is all a matter of choices. Make wise rather than hasty ones. When you get that right feeling nothing can slow you down.


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