Star Scopes (8/28/09 - 9/3/09)

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Star Scopes (8/28/09 - 9/3/09)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19 (白羊座)

Focus on a healthy lifestyle that includes one or two fun things every day. Your playful nature will carry you safely through any of life’s challenges. This is the spirit of Arise at its best. Take care of the most important things first. What makes you happy? Now the rest of the earthly stuff falls into place. Yeah, Aries!

Taurus-April 20-May 20 (金牛座)

Resist the temptation to take on more than you can handle. Refuse to let negative attitudes of others knock you off course. When worry begins, slow down, take a step back, take a deep breath and refocus your energy. Now with the second wind, move forward and you will see positive results coming in abundance.

Gemini-May 21-June 21(双子座)

Living in harmony is the primary goal this week. How much discord are you willing to tolerate. Maybe it’s time to leave your comfort zone and explore new ways and ideas you have been thinking about. Refine and sharpen your life’s tools. Now add new ones that will keep you on the edge and move you up and higher.

Cancer-June 22-July 22(巨蟹座)

Your strongest gift is your way with people. It’s all because of your great heart. You were born with this awesome loving nature at birth. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Wow! What an honor to be around great heart souls like you. It’s time that we all wake up and realize that you are our heart of life and give it honor.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22(狮子座)

Your circle of influence with creative people continues. Your emotional and creative growth is at an all-time high. This will open doors for you for a long time. Reduce stress, slow it down and back off. It’s your life, thank you very much. Your greatest results are because you take positive action on good ideas in your life.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22(处女座)

You choose to live in peace and harmony with a deep sense of peace and purpose. You have a deep sense of appreciation for life. This attracts others who have your values. It is a simple plan. It is ideal. Your high standards demand that you live this way. Now you continue on the way to great joy and happiness.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22(天秤座)

Measure the quality and joy in your own life by the happiness you feel and express in your own heart. You were born to be of service to others. When ever you feel out of sorts, it is because you have let your own energy get unbalanced. Get back to it and continue to move forward to great rewards. You can and will do it.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21(天蝎座)

You have an emotional edge this week. The planets are in positive alignment for you. This is like a booster rocket giving you extra thrust to send your dreams into orbit when you need the push. Now is a good time to take action on your greatest dream. If you do, great, positive results are bound to happen.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21(人马座)

You have a guardian angel blessing and protecting you. Why? It is because of your large heart and spirit embracing and surrounding you with light. Your large heart knows no bounds. The universe loves you. Are you ready to receive back all you give to others? It is so exciting to see a bumper crop coming your way.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19(摩羯座)

You are very clear with your thinking and feelings. Why? Because you are following your instincts and trusting your gut more than your head. Resist the temptation of getting side-tracked in the ways of the world. You have come too far for this. Live one a day at a time. Your heart rules. You are on the way to greatness.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18(宝瓶座)

Your great ideas continue to flow. You follow your instincts. You listen more to your heart than your head. You have an uncanny ability to stay away from the world’s thinking and stay in your own wise counsel. This just may be why you were chosen to lead the world in the Age of Aquarius. You are doing a great job.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20(双鱼座)

It is very important to speak your daily affirmations before you start your earthly days. Psyche yourself up. This is soul food. It gives you the spiritual strength to help you through the day. Successful people and winners in life do this. You are a winner. Keep your heart and spirit open. Great blessings are sure to follow.


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