学人任重故集中,英坛有叶可疏通,门户闭塞必砸砖,专吃虾米非真龙。(6 words)

学人任重故集中,英坛有叶可疏通,门户闭塞必砸砖,专吃虾米非真龙。(6 words)

应----From sky to window2009-08-19 13:15:44
 I found a master calligraphy piece consists of clouds, a character of "应".
I recalled that in 1927, my grandfather disputed with a professor regarding of that "Xinhai Revolution" is not a revolution, translating Mr. Shao Lizi's idea, said that the definition of revolution , by example of “汤武革命, 顺天应人”, is 顺天应人, responding to the will of the people, thus, Xinhai Revolution is indeed a true revolution. The Russian professor only smiled. 

