I found a simpler system of word study after arduous research. For one word I might ponder over a hundred times. In 2003, I contacted several publishing houses in Beijing, one of which accepted my proposal.Later, My script was stolen and my work has been hampered by some evil men till this year. After joining Wenxue City, I found two more new ideas, therefore, over six unique ways by me will open a totally new analytical windows about word study for all learners, including native English speakers.
我在過去十年中,發現了一些漢字隱秘,中文和英文單詞之間的聯繫。Some inspiration is from my interest in names. 一些簡化字切斷了兩種聯繫,其結果是變得更加混亂。 我的研究是雙向的---幫助英語為母語的以新的方式學習漢字,反之亦然. 結論是根據在一些學科knowledge上,such as phoenics, Chinese philosophy, etc.專業藝術家讓我有更好的視覺思維。我正在尋找同夥,以完成這項工程。
2009-08-14 10:03:32 |
A new book by a known publishing house about words study caught my attension. In the begining I thought this author may have many ideas I have, turned out not yet so far. So I feel relieved.
He does write tons of information, such as etymology,etc. are worthy.
Writing on this subject is an arduous project and is a never ending one. Since I spent over seven years, in my spare time, enough new analytical ideas are ready to be completed for publishing. Not only for Chinese learners, it is for the native English speakers to study English words as well.
So why does this area exist some untold myth? Just compare to the fact of Chinese acupuncture, which was aware by the western world mainly after 1972 only, when Nixon visited China. As English is THEIR language, the human body is their too.
We can see the earth better through eclipse, so is the advantage of a foreigner, who has a complete viewing point to stand at.