my friend's funny story:

1. was director of technology department.

2. applied for CTO internally, and failed

3. the new CTO who was hired from outside reorganized the department.

4. the new CTO hired B to be a manager to share one of my friend\'s duties.

5. the new CTO wanted to let my friend go. but B wanted my friend to work under him. so my friend stayed to work for B as an employee.

6.. several months later since my friend worked for B, B was laid off by the new CTO and my friend was promoted to replace B by the new CTO..

what funny it is that : the new CTO is the person who demoted my friend, and within one year, he is the person who promoted my friend (my friend咸鱼翻身;)) ......

The most most ironic is the my friend is still very good friend of B even if after B was laid off... B is looking for jobs...

a very interesting case, i will write more about what is behind in the above case.. maybe u can figure out a lot of issues including moral, standard......skills...
