
邻座是个美国姑娘,一上来还在放行李就聊起来了,好像就几句话就谈到了她正在人生的十字路口寻找生命的意义云云。。。。然后就跟她猛砍了一通哲学宗教之类的。。。显然在美国女人中,这位的sophistication相当的可观,at least she is trying very hard to find some meanning out of material life. 很快我差不多就把她的一辈子browse了一遍。。。后来,一块看了下我MP4上面的电影(home),分享一个耳机。。。后来她发现椅座前面的LCD里面有beatles的歌,俺就说你唱给我听吧,她疯狂的摇头,说她妈妈在家一听到她唱歌就笑着过来把她房间的门拉上。。。之前她告诉我,她有个癖好就是喜欢涂那种润唇膏,我说it's much better addiction than smoking and doing drugs,事实上她的确每隔不到半小时就要涂一下. 然后我说,can i have a look at your lipstick? 她毫无戒心的递给我,then i said, can i hold your lipstick hostage until you sing a song for me? her eyes widened and said hillariously: I bite! 俩人狂笑之。。于是我说,那我教你吧,我就一句一句的教她and I love her,因为在飞机上,当然得对着她的耳朵小声唱了,于是她就跟我学着,她唱得挺不错的,绝对不走调,于是i gave her encouraging kisses around her ears and cheeks, she didn't pull back at all ... so we whispered, singing, i was kissing her stealthly and all that,后来她完整的唱了一遍,还不错,我就把唇膏还给她了。。。然后她说有点悃了,i said you can lay down in my arms, 于是我们把两座位间的扶手拉开,她就躺到我怀里来了。。。这些俺方便多了, print my lips all over her face except her lips...每次快要吻到嘴唇了,她总是把头低到胸口,哼哼说:you can't steal it!...因为我不象她那么悃,所以只好把她很舒服的抱着,她也很软的贴在我的怀里,耳朵使劲儿的贴着我的胸口,丝毫在听我的心跳一样。。。她睡睡醒醒,好几次,我们还互换位子,最后就full hug very tight了。。。她的皮肤非常好,应该超过80%的中国女人吧,在美国人中算极品了。。。后来,大概她迷糊了,i finally got to her lips...very juicy and supringly felt like much smaller than they look...很香很甜的接吻,她的舌头嘴唇显然也没拒绝。。。。后来,i fell asleep too... 等我们醒过来,差不多只差一个小时就降落了。。。

then we exchanged numbers and all ... i was joking that the old Chinese lady who sat on my other side who saw all this must have regretted to hell that she is not young any more ... the girl smiled and said she wish she could sit in between us!

鉴于大家的口胃,所以physical intereaction写得比较多,事实上,我和这位小美女的philosophical intereaction 更丰富。。

Right before we said goodbye in the luggage claim, she was asking me: are you usually like this? I said: first time in this life... she is exceptionally thoughtful, soft and sweet... there is something inbetween us that drag each other close very fast ... 一切发生的都很自然,我这个帖子也写得很自然,主观上没有文学夸张。。。
