Crazy Horse在总统山西南面约23公里的地方,是同去的朋友无意中发现的,估计 很多人都未去过。门票 USD27 per carload。
Crazy Horse 是一个印第安英雄,有人把他翻译为 “癫马”,俺看到这两字,首先反应的是马,不是人,所以未写成“游癫马”。
波兰裔雕塑家Korczak Ziolkowski (1908.9.6.—1982.10.20.)在1948年6月3日开山放炮开始了世界上最大雕像的工作,此后他一个人工作了五年。他与Ruth 育有10个孩子,在他过世后,其中有7个孩子与他们的母亲继续做这份伟大的工程。下面的照片是50年的成果:Crazy Horse完整的脸部。人头高度:87-1/2ft,马头高度:219 ft,总统山上的四位总统,只有Crazy Horse的头发处那么大。主要雕塑工具还是炸药,主要雕塑手段也仍然是定向爆破,只是技术日趋完善而已。50年中,Ziolkowski家族两次拒绝了美国政府的介入和赞助。据说还要40年才能竣工。中国有个“愚公移山”,这美国来个“愚(?)公雕山”。
图4:雕像模型:雕像 = 1:34
The following was written in May 1949 by Sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski.
Crazy Horse was born on Rapid Creek in the Black Hills of South Dakota in about 1842. While at
Only after he saw the Treaty of 1868 broken. This treaty, signed by the President of the
Only after he saw his leader, Conquering Bear, exterminated by treachery.
Only after he saw the failure of the government agents to bring required treaty guarantees, such as meat, clothing, tents and necessities for existence which they were to receive for having given up their lands and gone to live on the reservations.
Only after he saw his people’lives and their way of life ravaged and destroyed.
Crazy Horse has never been known to have signed a treaty or touched the pen.
Crazy Horse, as far as the scale model is concerned, is to be carved not so much as a lineal likeness but more as a memorial to the spirit of Crazy horse – to his people. With his left hand thrown out pointing in answer to the derisive question asked by a white man, “ Where are your lands now?” he replied, “ My lands are where my dead lie buried.”