到法国落岸的城市是 Cannes ,读“坎,”后面的 S 不发音。这里最出名的是每年的坎城电影节,世界各地的电影大明星、导演都汇集到这个海滨小城市。张艺谋等就在这里拿过奖。
Cannes 本身没有什么好玩的,我们坐车去另外两个城市,Nice 和Monaco 。
法国Nice 城当地人读“你死”,而不是英文中的“奶死。”Nice有很好的海岸,是一个度假的地方。海岸边,旅馆很多,听说也很贵。司机指着一家旅馆说,这就是某某某明星生孩子的地方。
女司机把我们带到这里的露天市场参观。摊位上卖菜、水果、花等等的,有很多美女。不过也有俊男。 法国的女子是不是都很漂亮?以致卖菜的都如此漂亮,整洁,干净。是不是应该去法国长期住一住?
(1) I doubt any one would want to negotiate prices with her.

(2) "Los Angeles Choppers"???? Was it a mistake for "LA Clippers?" You'd buy what ever she says. The only problem was that I didn't understand her French.

(3) Don't you want to buy that green vegetable no matter what price?

(4) Especially after seeing this one.

(5) I bet you won't stop at the vegies. You'll want more and more from her. (I meant the products she was selling)

(6) Here is another pretty one working on her merchandise. I almost asked her if she needed any help.

(7) I waited for about 10 mintes but couldn't get a single picture of her smiling.

(8) She dressed up to go to work. Seriously.

(9) Work was like a party to her. Or she just forgot to change from the party last night. Want some fruits, sweetie?

(10) Not all the workers in the market were pretty women. Some of them were handsom (or ugly) men. People in China might mistake him as Carl Marx. The French version, who was not writing books and essays on economics, but trying to become a rich capitalist.

(11) I've no idea what this was... until 泉水wrote a comment, it's 薰衣草

(12) Oh, those beautiful fruit-look candiess, again. I thought they were fruits. Are they for eating or just watching? It turns out they were extremely expensive, like 7 euro for a small bag.

(13) 薰衣草again. This time they were grounded and packaged, ready to release that unforgetable fragrant to decorate your house, closet, or body.

(14) The taxi driver lady took us to a perfume and soap factory. Almost all tours in European countries have similar "shopping stops" like the ones in China. It could be a costly detour. Here are the French-made soap bars. They looked like eatable cakes.

Wow, what a pleasant trip.
给法国的结论:美!Conclusion about the France stop during the cruise: The prettiest one.