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By MichaelC

What do golf and photography have in common?

  • Both may cost allot of money

  • Both can be enjoyed by yourself or together with someone else

  • Both can be learned quickly but may take a long time to master

  • Both require frequent upgrades or tweaking to the equipment

  • Every one can do it but only a few can be really good at it

  • Both involve shooting

  • Both are mostly outdoor activities

  • Both can be practiced at your backyard or living room

Last but not the least:

Both have allot in common with sex:

You don’t have to be good at it to enjoy it

  • 我的摄影学习笔记(1)
  • 我的摄影学习笔记(2)
  • 2009摄影器材调查
  • 昨天,我的Canon 5D坏了
  • 云、水和石头:风光摄影的三大元素
  • 高尔夫和摄影的相同之处

  • MichaelC 发表评论于
    8226; 归纳得相当不错,好像印象中还没有人把摄影与高尔夫联系起来比较。 -淡淡红颜- ♀ (120 bytes) (63 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; 我的原创?!谢啦。听说查乐平小提琴拉得不错。 -MichaelC- ♂ (0 bytes) (6 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; 不谢,艺术领域很多是相通的。再归纳一条:都是有钱又有闲奢侈的爱好 -淡淡红颜- ♀ (0 bytes) (8 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; 不见得一定如此.... -MichaelC- ♂ (282 bytes) (60 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; 这条有待商榷 :) -北京西城区- ♀ (160 bytes) (162 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; Yes, yes. Thanks for the feedback. But... -MichaelC- ♂ (230 bytes) (90 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; 哈哈哈 -北京西城区- ♀ (41 bytes) (47 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; When you can't get result you want, you have to blame on somethi -MichaelC- ♂ (0 bytes) (9 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; Both require being visual and creative . -lauya- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; conservative and progressive :))) -北京西城区- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; 呵呵,Mike原创的还是ZT?原创的就成本坛经典了。 -U96- ♂ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; 的确是自己想的、写的。是原创,但不知道是不是首创。 -MichaelC- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 8/17/09
    8226; 很受启发,改了改 -哈_哈- ♂ (1309 bytes) (71 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; 顶!深有同感。 -cujing- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; 最后那条不确切.... -多见不怪- ♂ (0 bytes) (15 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; Co:最后那条不确切.... -taitaidehuayuan- ♀ (0 bytes) (6 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; Key point: You don’t have to be good at it to enjoy it -MichaelC- ♂ (71 bytes) (34 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; 回复:Key point: You don’t have to be good at it to enjoy it -多见不怪- ♂ (88 bytes) (5 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; Both can be enjoyed for whole life! -ryw- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; That so true. Thanks for pointing that out. -MichaelC- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; are you sure 没打错字? 似乎应该这样: -sjmj- ♂ (622 bytes) (92 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; Very funny. Yes, you can change things around. -MichaelC- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 8/18/09
    8226; 哈哈哈,NIU! -chicago80- ♂ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 8/18/09