地中海22: 船上扫日月 浪漫的日出日落

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Spain (Barcelona): 乱

Malta: 穷

Italy: 老

Vatican: 神

France: 美

Monaco: 富



(1a) At around 6am, I was shooting the sunrise and saw this 14-year old from PA walking around shooting photos, too. I asked her if it is okay for her to model for my picture, she was very happy to do it. Later I gave her a jpg file of her photo. I told her from now on she could tell her friends that she had been a model. She and her dad laughed.

(1b)  This was a sunset. The model was someone from Houston who flew on the same flight with us.

(1c) Well, this one was not a model. It was a good shot at another photographer.

(2) Sunset.

(3) Sunrise


(5) Sunset



(8) Sunrise











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  • 思路花雨 发表评论于
    echo99 发表评论于