Get Motivated Business Seminar

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The Get Motivated Business Seminar came to Hartford, CT last Wed, caused a big stir and traffic jams all over the town.  I pre-ordered 3 tickets for us, only $5 per person.  But only my mother-in-law and I were able to make it for the afternoon session.  It was pretty good.  We got to listen to Steve Forbes, Rudy Giuliani, Gen. Colin Powell (only the first 10 minutes, he joked about his perks as Secretary of State) Zig Ziglar and 2 fiance gurus Phil Town and Dave Smith (they were trying to sell their product/service).  The most I got out of it was Zig Ziglar's homecourt advantage and Giuliani's be optimistic anyway, it's just more fun that way.

MaryLiu-Brazil 发表评论于
Don't we all?
rurumama 发表评论于
I need to get motivated to business though.