5 years ago, on this day

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We tied the knot. 

MaryLiu-Brazil 发表评论于
名花有主 发表评论于
Really beautiful and elegant. My hubby was also in the air on 09/18 and won't be back until next Friday. We also decided to go somewhere for the weekend since daddy is away anyway. We went to San Diego to see Shamu. It was great!
crazydog 发表评论于
Beautiful couple, beautiful dress, beautiful wedding and beautiful pictures! Happy Anniversary! Today must be the "hubby in the air" day--you are not alone. Hope they all come home soon.
acme 发表评论于
难道我错过了新娘新郎闪的真人秀? Man!
真的?? 发表评论于
Exactly what I am going to say.

小秤砣 发表评论于
Congratulations on your 5th anniversary!
rurumama 发表评论于
a perfect couple on a perfect day...happy anniversary and many many more ....
bebe38 发表评论于

What a beautiful bride and handsome groom! What a happy day! Really like your dress and the long vail. I can never pull off a shoulderless dress like this^^